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Thursday, March 05, 2020

But First These Messages: Mazda 100

But first these messages 

        Did you know Mazda has turned 100 years old this year?  Well, we have decided to use that as a way just do some Mazda commercials as a future for this edition of "But first these Messages". Let's go find our perfect Mazda. 

            Not paid for by Mazda, I mean that'd be cool if Mazda did but, they didn't, we are just doing this for fun. 

        But First these messages... 

        This is an ad from Japan for the Mazda Cosmo.

I'm sure this car could fit all 5 of these ladies... 

I don't speak Japanese, so all I know is that they are promoting a car with the international language of  sexy ladies, I guess.


             The Mazda GLC, that's the name of this car in North America, stands for Great Little Car.  That name alone sells it.!

            You know, I really am not completely  sold on this car I need...
 Oh my god! I has whitewall tires!!!!!!!!! I'm buying it!!!!!!!! Yes!

There is only one phrase that Mazda has implanted into my face and brain  subconscious and it's so simple and yet it's the first thing I think of with Mazda. I see a Mazda on the road I think of this.   
            ZOOM ZOOM

               In 2000, Mazda introduced a new slogan called "Zoom Zoom" using a song from 1994 song called "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" The whole commercial is saying that we as humans have this inherent urge to move and Mazda is part of the urge to go!   I guess, that's what they are saying.

              Get it!  ProtegĂ© , teacher , I do !!!

                       This is commercial is like we are trying to make a boring sedan seem cool, so yeah it's learned it's tricks from a sports car. Also, look at this we are showing these two cars on a high rock that's cool!

Good, we finally found a parking spot. 

           Try trick, show us the cars, the guys aren't talking about cars, but yet they are talking about the cars.  Also zoom zoom kid is heard not seen, but the song lives.

This dog is living the Mazda life, a life you can have if  you buy a Mazda

After a decade and a half of service, Mazda took out the old Zoom Zoom tagline and sent it to the farm.  They instead went for a slogan that makes me feel like they are going to be selling Mazda brand bottled water. 

 Much like the zoom zoom idea, this tagline has a similar idea that you will feel freedom and "feel alive" while driving a Mazda.  They are expressing humans doing activities and being alive while saying your Mazda will get you to those places and you'll be living.

Whoa it's smooth and shiny , that's the future, I feel alive! 

more after the jump
Mazda is a very international car company and has made it around the world  so of course  it's in the UK.


              This man doesn't want to hear the truth, he'a Mazda denier! Shame him!

No one can hide from Mazda! How dare you! 

Trucks....America! .... TRUCKS.....

  While foreign automakers have gained a lot of the market in America; trucks are heavily american auto maker ground even now. Here's Mazda making their trucks seem very very American with the farms and work with the slight Amazing Grace sound. Either that or someone thinks Americans worship the almighty pick up truck.

It's a very yellow today, hmm, I think I'm staying in.... 

Here's a fun fact, Mazda pick up trucks were built on Ford bases. 

           By law*    (*not really) we are required when mentioning Mazda we must mention the
Miata or Mx5.

 If this commercial was anymore 1999, it'd open a time portal to 1999  in how 1999 it is.
She lives in a TARDIS 

Mazda  celebrated being in America for 25 years in 1995, that means 2020 is their 50th year wow!

  I like they say American made, which is true, but they really want to point that out.

You can be cool like this guy, if you buy a Mazda

That does it for us , otherwise this would be a long commercial break now back our program, "That's not food!" 

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