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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Lookback: ABC Afterschool Special: Rookie of the Year

The Flashback 

           We dip into the ABC Afterschool  specials because we can and since we really love baseball here, might as well talk about a special that talks about baseball.  From 1973 we  have "Rookie of the Year" starring Jodie Foster.  This the first episode of the 2nd season of specials that first aired on October 3rd 1973.  

       For those that don't know, ABC After school Specials was an anthology series  that would air a few episodes a season on ABC in the afternoon. (Before broadcast TV went down hill).  The series ran from 1972 to 1997.   The idea was to present stories to children and teenagers to present stories that would be of interest to them.  The afternoon special became a joke line in TV series for series because of the note for dramatic and controversial story lines.               

      The episode we are looking is presented, in the scope of time, when girls were just started to be allowed to play little league baseball by 1974.  Many of these plotlines were based off books, in this case "Not Bad for a Girl" by Isabella Taves from 1972. The plot being an eleven-year old girl plays little league experiences hatred  for being a girl and playing baseball. 
             As I mentioned, this came out the same time as girls were allowed into little league.  From our wheelhouse talking about Peanuts, people would see girls on Charlie Brown's team and later with Peppermint Patty, as  well, having girls play sports like baseball way before 1974. In 1950, there was a girl named Kay Johnston who wanted to  play baseball.  She faked being a boy and played in little league, but told her coach later on that she was a girl, he liked how she played  and kept her on the team. Though, he wasn't the complete thought as many were angered that she was playing baseball.  Eventually, Little League officials said she couldn't play.  They named a rule of the nick name she used and for nearly 25 years that rule was place.  (source)  Lawsuits were coming into play by the late 60's and early 70's as new wave feminism had become the way of the times  and by 1974 things had buckled. (source)  I'm keeping that simplified as I want to go the special now, but wanted to provide historical context. 

      more after the jump 

             Jodie foster plays a girl named Sharon Lee who is good at baseball but not part of the team her brother is on. (The music is groovy)  Anyway, a player named Greg can't play because of his arm being injured and need a player.  Then the idea of Sharon comes in to play, and the coach is like "Yeah let's do this!"  (that was easy and quick)  They start the idea of  some of the other players' parents don't like the idea of a girl playing baseball.  Some of the other players won't to try out a boy named Jimmy, to add him to the team. The coach says nah. ( That was quick and easy)
No, I don't think I will 

        Her brother, Mark, seems annoyed, after being supportive, because the shift is confusing.(really though, my head hurts) Her parents are supportive of her playing as well, really confusing the tones of this special.  Meanwhile, the special montages the 70's for a while.  During the game, a competing coach doesn't want to play because girl, but the team's coach is like you're gonna play and it works. (That works)
Son, let your sister play...or you're out of the will 

         If you find baseball boring or something (then why are you reading this  post? Eh, keep reading, please) then you might not like seeing the part where it's the kids doing game play.  It's Sharon's turn and there's a lot people at a game having time to boo her.  (They have time for that, for some reason) The other team underestimates her and tries intentionally walk her.(There's more boos at this game than a college party.)
I don't even know why I'm annoyed but booo

         More groovy 70's music and baseball  playing, like the actual 70's.  Sharon's term to play for the RedSox (the team's name again) the other team (Yankees) decide to actually pitch to her.  Sharon, late gets a run for the team.  More 70's groovy duck music and montage.  Eventually, the Red Sox win. This will make things more challenging for Sharon because we have like 20 more minutes left to go.

       Greg might be able to come back and Sharon feels down that she might not be able to play.(70's sad music)  Another coach, wants to plot and get rid of Sharon from the league by taking out the coach.  (They're going to murder him?)  Meanwhile, Sharon gets picked on because girl. She finds out a girl named Caroline doesn't want her to sleep over because Sharon plays with boys. (Rude)
I also found out that Stephanie isn't real 

       Making our last paragraph start with a lie, (Yay)  Greg won't be able to come back so quickly, because his wrist is ready at all.  Some of the other players in the team won't Mark to get her off the team. This special has more drama than I thought.  A newspaper reporter comes over asking to take pictures and  I hope he's an actual newspaper reporter.   Mark tells Sharon how he feels and about the chance that their coach could be kicked out, so Sharon goes home.  (More sad , I think , 70's music music)
Close up sadness 

        There's a boy, named Joey, who's been really supportive of Sharon being on the team and he tries to get  her to come back. ( I think he's from Brookyln too, has an interesting accent is all I'm saying)  He goes to Mark  and tells him how he feels.

             Mark apologizes to Sharon.   More 70's stuff. ( We will repeat that because we will)  I do like that coach is supportive and really sticks to his guns no matter the pressure.  The local TV news is there because important news day.  More baseball game play.(This special would be like 32 minutes without the game play, I'm not complaining, but it would be shorter without it.)  I'm a little surprised there are so many adults booing a child. I mean I get the point, it's just a little weird. (boo you)   Anyway, the other  team from the other team (the Giants) named Chris Darby does an intentional walk to get Sharon to be at bat.  Laying on the tick booing, geeze. Sharon has been under pressure looks nervous.   She does a home run after stealing home!  The Red Sox win! 

        This special had like instructions to shove the camera close there.  Coach tells her, he wants her to be a regular. It ends with a hopeful message but says there's more to be done.

     I found this special enjoyable, it does have a nice kind of  documentary style to it, slightly.  The close up shots were a choice.  Jodie Foster does a great job , as normal, and the  the rest  of the cast feels authentic.   An interesting special with a mix of drama and characterization.

         That's it for now, tune in next time when we go the parallel universe where boys couldn't play baseball until 1974  and there's a special with Jody Foster trying to get into baseball, still lots of boos.



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