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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 4: Episode 5: Tino's Dad

The Weekenders  Disney 

                                          Episode 5: Tino's Dad 

Series Finale 

     So it has come to this, the final episode of the entire series.  "The Weekenders" started on ABC on February 26, 2000 and ended after 39 half hours on February 29, 2004, on Toon Disney.  Yeah, season 4 really is that short only 5 half hours with 3 of them having 2 segments, 1 full length Halloween episode and this one.

        As part of the end, I think it's fitting to run with a thread that appeared a few times in the series- Tino's Dad.  Tino's Dad is coming for the weekend and there's the set up of conflict where Tino's dad has planned the entire weekend, but Tino wishes that his dad and him could just do stuff together without other people.

            There's also a plot where the group wants to watch a comedy show but the price of tickets are big money. That means they are going to get jobs. Tino's not going to tell his dad how he just to spend time with him so going to rush Saturday with that list and try to do his own things on Sunday. The other three are going to do some work to get money for the tickets. 

            The pizza shop seems to have become way more unhinged this season, was the stress getting to the poor guy? Is he alright? Help? It's alright to cry buddy.  

        There's a Tino's Mom and Tino moment now, she hasn't seen the man in eight-years either and is nervous.  Now, we the viewer get out first ever image of his Dad. Well he has... well Tino got his hair. Tino is more sun tanned because he's in California.  Tino's Dad also fears bugs. We all shall fear bugs, we are the open for our day of reasoning soon, the bugs will rise up, huh what? Sorry. His Dad is also apparently a clean freak, so I think there's one sign of why they got divorced. 

         So far, I think it's interesting to see how they portray T-Dad , yeah I'm tired of writing that out,  because we don't know much about him. I do like the  the mom and dad are amicable with other -not forced- but they have a respect for each other.  

                Carver and Lor help clean up an attic and Mrs. Weems is still there to help them while living her memories with the objects. She was also just messing with them and that's great!   Tish has gone to tutor Carver's little brother, and another kid that she didn't know about before! 

More after the jump 

             Interesting to just Tino's Dad and Tino play pool with Tish' parents. I wonder if that means they were friends before he went to East Coast Land, and maybe how Tino and Tish got to know each other? Then riding mini racers with Mrs. Dawong. Then, it's awkward dinner time with T-Mom, Tino, T-Dad, and Dixon, that's right Dixon has shown up.  Eventually, T-Dad asks Dixon about being T-Mom's boyfriend. Then more awkward . Then the start to relate over her cooking. 

            The next day didn't go well for Lor and Carver, there was dust up over the rug.   The episode shows a reason why T-Dad might have wanted to be with other people when spending time with Tino. He's nervous, and unsure what to talk about.  This episode does a great job depicting this in a moment.  T-Mom decides to talk T-Dad and tells him he might not be interested in that list. Good way to show us how Tino's Mom knows Tino that well, as shown through the series. It shows too that she knows him a lot more than Dad does. 

            It's also fun to see their interactions without Tino, they are playful. It's charming.  Tish is not doing to well. But it ends up they all got the money. So, I guess Tino's plot gets to be the star now as the friends have found him sitting on bench being sad.  The ticket plot comes into play as they want to help Tino and that might end up costing them the hard-earned money. Tish speeches them into doing it. She bribes the school coach and then gives T-Dad and Tino some tickets to the show and a ride with only two of them.  The episode can't be too happy yet, but wait oh no show don't me cry. 

        We get a nice finish in this episode.   

       This episode found a nice balance to be sweet but syrupy or going against what the series was. Also fitting with everything we've seen in the series, I'm glad it wasn't the father is a busy business-y business man who is businessy and even when visiting his son he was enwrapped in business to focus on his son trope.  It was more he was afraid to be alone with his son because he's not sure what to talk about or what to do. Tino really didn't mind if his Dad is awkward, he just wanted to spend time with him.

            Tino's Dad was an interesting character to see how his like Tino in ways and they made him likable.  The episode including Dixon was a nice touch, and interactions between T-Dad and him were fun, again a nice showing of showing how he's accepted the divorce too and that he's happy things are going well. No tension or forced drama. I liked  how T-Mom and T-Dad still show they can get along and know each other well. It's a nice showing of divorced couple in a children's show that wasn't as shown in shows in this time period.  

         While, they were pushed to the background this episode, Tish, Lor, and Carver's plot was still alright and had some great funny moments.  When their plot wraps up you wonder why it did where it did, but then they see Tino is just wanting to hang out with his dad, without other people, they give up their tickets to get a blimp trip for those two. It's a great moment and shows their bond with each other. This show has probably the best friendship group of almost animated series.  It also reminded me of the "Father's Day" episode where Carver wakes up early calls all the friends just help Tino. This is one is even more interesting since Tino didn't know it was them that put this together.   

           This show ended and it ended on a great  great way of doing it.  I loved this episode.  10/10. 

         That's the end of the series, it's kind of sad this series only has 39 half hours, it was the show that did have ratings that beat Pokemon  [Source] and as I wrote in my posts about ABC Kids  and also the UPN blocks, it also aired when it seemed Disney was shifting to  it's cable network : Disney Channel  for original programming both live-action and animated.  Then they decided to move this show to UPN then never Disney Channel- minus some reruns- they must have felt it wouldn't have done well there or something. 

           This was a fairly consistent series, not every episode was great, but duds weren't so bad that even those weren't unwatchable. It's format did have some limits, but I don't think it ever got boring. The humor, especially as the show's writing got more confident, was great.  The pizza shop is a really fun gag that seemed to be able to never seem old or get grating, it's funny how in every episode it shows up whatever its theme is really has nothing to do with the episode, except once in "Celebrity" when it became Tish Pizza then stopped just to show Tish's 15 minutes of fame was over.  

         The characters really are the best part of the show, as they should be.  Tino does have the more main character energy going on there, but you don't get the feeling he's put ahead of the other three.  What's fun about Tino is that's he sarcastic, ambitious, nervous, and helpful. I love the relationship between him and mom.  Carver can be self-absorbed, loves shoes, but he's also shown that he does care for his friends and family.  This show works well going against stereotypes and one-noted ness, they even did an entire episode going against one-noted ness. Tish is more than just a girl who is smart, or has a foreigner family, she can also sometimes get too wrapped up things, a perfectionist, she loves it when she's right, but she brings a level headedness the group needs and the group brings her level headedness when she  needs it. I like how she's not embarrassed by parents or culture, but is free to follow her own interests,  her parents allowing her that too. Lor is marked by more than just being tomboy or sports lover, they made her a little ditzy but still charming and smart, they balanced all of that well. A lesser show wouldn't. While she didn't get as much development compared to the others, she still was a fun and multifaceted character.   Tino's Mom was a fun character, she has a balance of authority, well knowing, and pretty helpful to Tino and the others. I like that she's also sarcastic at times. She also goes against the grain of many TV moms and parents at the time. [Minus some other Disney moms like Pepper Ann's , Lizzie McGuire's, and Nick's As Told by Ginger's Mom] 

         The setting of this show is pretty nice too,  I'd like to visit Bahia Bay, it's in my list of favorite cartoon towns/cities.  There's a relaxed vibe to it and quirkiness but not overly quirky to make it feel over board.

         I loved this series when I first watched it, and doing this episode by episode thing was a fun way to revisit the series.  It's a really smart, creative series, does a well done stories and slice of life comedy really well.  I'm glad that it was still a fun watch even with time.    

     Do give this series a look , it's a great one and needs that kind of love.  Thanks for reading, tune in next time when we look forward to weekends again.  Later Days! 

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