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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Friday, November 12, 2010

Conan Returns to TV

      This week marked the return of Conan O Brien , the former "Tonight Show", and "Late Night"  host now has a new show in late night for the cable network TBS called "Conan" The Program airs 11PM Eastern time 8pm Pacific Time. He has spent many of his time this week blasting NBC. The show was good for his fans , but his way as an interview is still not the best.  Though , TBS is happy with the ratings they got including a great lead in for their late night show "Lopez Tonight", which moved 1 hour later for Conan. Advertiser-coveted 18-49 demographic range are holding strong, and his audience's median age is a young 32. In its first week, the show averaged a very respectable 2.9 million total viewers -- with 2.16 million of those in the 18-49 range, which puts him above all the other late night shows.
     In other late night show news
 ABC's latenight news program "Nightline"  has been number 1 on the networks for 5 weeks in arow.

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