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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Friday, November 05, 2010

Keith Olbermann Suspended.

Today , MSNBC host ,Keith Olbermann, was  suspended  after it was found out that he gave money to 3 democratic candidates.

  He said this Last night (Thursday) Olbermann confirmed the donations via a statement to Politico last night:
“One week ago, on the night of Thursday October 28 2010, after a discussion with a friend about the state of politics in Arizona, I donated $2,400 each to the reelection campaigns of Democratic Representatives Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords. I also donated the same amount to the campaign of Democratic Senatorial candidate Jack Conway in Kentucky.” 
So then his boss ,Phil Griffin, the msnbc president  said :
  “I became aware of Keith’s political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.”   
 Yes, a policy of  NBC news and MSNBC , cnbc not bound by that since it's not under NBC news, that says its hosts can't give money to campaigns , unless first asking management and okay ed.  Keith didn't do that. Griffith says.  
   Then Rachel Maddow , another host at msnbc,  pointed out that FOX NEWS hosts, Sean Hannity and Mike Huckabee gave money to candidates and politicians. That means nothing Fox news is not owned by NBC U  so they have their own policies. And Hannity and Huckabee  are under different types of contracts compared to an anchor at FOX News.  
                       Should  Olbermann have been suspended?  If he broke rules then ,yes. But Olbermann really isn't a journalist. He is  a liberal personality and he shouldn't be held to that standard as much as an NBC NEWS anchor or MSNBC anchor.   His creditability is not ruined , because he in fact is not an anchor or reporter that has to be un biased. Though MSNBC has used him like that including most recently , during   Mid-term election coverage  that he and other liberal hosts  on the network , were the main hosts of coverage.  So MSNBC has blurred the lines so much that it's confusing to say. More to come on this. 

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