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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

It's a Lookback ,Charlie Brown : It was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown

Peanuts  Flashback 

       According to calendars: September means summer ends  (unless you are in Australia reading us on Joshauonline.blogspot.com.au     then happy spring to you) and sometimes summer feels short that's the special we are looking at this time.
    "It was a Short Summer ,Charlie Brown" premiered on CBS (Can't be Sad) in September of 1969.  It was the first special not have a majority of the cast from the "A Charlie Brown Christmas". It was the last special of the 1960's as well.

     The special begins with Charlie Brown telling Sally she has to go to school and the only thing that convinces her  is the new lunchbox that her mother bought her.  She's is not every happy about Kindergarten.   In school Charlie Brown and Linus are caught playing hangman in class , and Linus reminds her that she hasn't given assignments. (you block head)   The Teacher comes up with the assignment a 500 word essay on what they did for summer.  Linus' writing his paper goes in flashback mode and we hear what the characters were planning for summer until Lucy announces that she signed everyone up for summer camp. (Question: can she do that , I mean the parents have to sign some papers or something?, Don't look at us like that)

  We are more glampers... thankyou very much /copyright Peanuts 

    While waiting to go we get a Snoopy  imagining that he is driving the bus  (with trippy 60's scenes)   until the bus driver forces him away.   Charlie Brown is chosen as his tent's captain  which contains  Linus, Schroeder  ,Shermy, Pigpen, and Snoopy.   This story in the special is also being written by Charlie Brown and Lucy , so we have some connectivity as one story.  Lucy apparently is the leader of the girls. The boys challenged  the girls to a  swimming race  that goes as well as you would expect for the boys.
 As well as you expect / Copyright Peanuts 


          Lucy writes about the softball game that the boys vs girls were playing  and Linus writes that they lost the softball game (I'm shocked!)  and that the camp fire didn't go well either.  The girls came over to "cheer up" the boys and they start singing.  Charlie Brown then writes about the nature hunt when he hears about a canoe race  which he doesn't do to well in.  Charlie Brown wants to challenge the girls to wrist wrestling  and he introduces Snoopy (the masked marvel ) as someone who could challenge Lucy.
 I am the champion/copyright Peanuts 

      Snoopy goes through training for the big match up . Charlie Brown issues the challenge of Snoopy versus the girls' champion. Lucy says they will be ready at lunchtime.  Guess who? Yeah it will be Lucy versus Snoopy. The competition goes on and Snoopy wins after he kisses Lucy on the nose.
Went as well I expected/ copyright Peanuts 

    Anyway, back to current time and Charlie Brown only wrote 13 words for his essay and he got a C- while Linus got an A.  He remarks "It was a short summer ,Charlie Brown" and Charlie Brown ends by saying "It looks like it's going to be a long winter".

   That's our lookback,  tune in next time when Charlie Brown  finds out he hates Mondays.. wait that's Garfield.

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