Previously, we started talking about the Peanuts Movie (2015) and then we stopped (yeah what's up with that ?) But before we continue with the movie plot it's time to talk about the music. (Oh, great this is going to take forever!)
The Peanuts specials (most of them ) are known for their musical scores, especially the early specials and the use of Vince Guaraldi Trio music . So this movie had to have that in it. It was going to be music we already knew because Guaraldi is no longer with us. They tapped Christophe Beck to score the movie. He was the main composer for "Buffy" during season 2-4 and did many a music score. David Benoit , who did music in many of the specials, also returned to help contribute. They did get contemporary pop stars to also do some music like Meghan Trainor, and Flo Rida. They had a couple songs made for this movie and are sprinkled in. For some, it might be jarring but I don't think it feels too out of place. The background music fits the scenes where used pretty good, Beck's scores really don't feel out of place.
Now back to the movie itself. (again some spoilers)
Previously: Charlie Brown gets a high score on a test and everyone (not Lucy) is impressed and trying to gain his "wisdom" and understand his genius. I think he even started a cult. (not really)
maybe / copyright Blue Sky
Charlie Brown remembers he has a book report due by Monday, and he needs to get it finished. The special decides to "Happy New Year, Charlie Brown" reference itself and have Charlie Brown look for "War and Peace". He's going to try and read "War and Peace" in a weekend. (Oh my) He does a better job at reading it here than in the New Year special. They even got his not used to pens gag in there. He writes the book report with Red's pen. (that might be used again) Sally made Charlie Brown merchandise as he's expected to get an award. That thing that I didn't mention except in passing happens here where Charlie Brown gets his test back and figures out it wasn't his after he bumped into Peppermint Patty putting his name on her test by accident in hurry. He decides to admit the truth. Later on as Linus was explaining to Red (told ya) about the book report, it gets destroyed after it gets out of Charlie Brown's hands and flies in the sky and gets destroyed.

Even Lucy joined/ Copyright Blue Sky
despair , I'm with you C.B/ Copyright Blue Sky
In despair, Charlie Brown throws away his kite, puts away the football, and baseball glove. The movie does cross back between more of Snoopy's story. Now the movie skips ahead to spring because we need some spring in this movie. A kid who I think it might be one of the minor characters asks for help from Charlie Brown to fly a kite , which works but for Charlie Brown because reasons. Snoopy does get his girl in the end of his story. The critics (Lucy) don't like this story though.
Now , it's the last day of school. In class there's a summer pen pal project, Patty jumps for PigPen's (woah alright) of course, Lucy jumps up to be Schroeder's. When it's Charlie Brown's turn , Red gets up and says that she will be his pen pal. Charlie Brown thinks she picked him because she felt sorry for him. Finally, Charlie Brown decides to go up an talk to her using her pencil that he grabbed at the first day. She's on her way to summer camp and he chargers his way there. He also flew a kite. Which amazes everyone and they start following him. Finally, he talks to her. She says what she liked about him that he's honest, compassionate, brave , and his never give up attitude. Even Lucy is nice at the end,
woo hoo/ Copyright Blue Sky
Now I talk about some other aspect of the movie, the voice acting. They kept the vain of Peanuts tradition and used child actors. They once again used voice cuts of the late Bill Melendez to voice Snoopy and Woodstock. Which has been done in Peanuts media post his death. The voices are fine, though I was thrown off by Peppermint Patty's voice because usually her voice was more raspy sound (they did alternate from boy and girl voicing her in the specials and past movies) so I was a little taken a back but that doesn't take away. Though if Linus didn't sound as Lispy as before either.
The movie itself is a Peanuts fan-service it has everything you expect from Peanuts, so it did play it safe , in a sense. The movie was thought by Charles Schulz son and grandson, and if anyone understands the Peanuts fully it would be them. I think a lot of thoughtfulness went into it and paid off well. I am also glad, the animation was well done.
Watching this movie, I do expect bad things to happen to Charlie Brown the one thing that did break me was the part where the book report got destroyed I paused it and just said no no no for like 10 minutes because I felt bad for C.B. after he invested all the hard work in reading that book then writing that paper all night. Guess I got invested in it. The movie showed that Charlie Brown gave up a chance to what looked like an impressive magic show to help his sister, Sally, showing that he tries hard when he practiced dancing, his honesty ,and perseverance. They pay off at the end was nice it's the kind of win you hoped for in some of the specials. The ending did make me smile and slightly tear up with joy again this movie had me invested. (And I have watched it before) Snoopy's plot kind of mirrored Charlie Brown's in away, but his was a story he was doing but his quest for Fifi matched Charlie Brown with the little red head girl.
Peanuts is timeless yet not timeless at the same time, and so this movie did that well. The typewriters, kids not having cell phones , even the clothing kind of is back in time. (As stated before the comics and later specials did change some of the clothing) I wouldn't expect any different from anything with the Peanuts. The movie will be timeless for a long time ,because it didn't do anything to really lock it to a time in the first place.
Yes, it's not a complex movie and it's not meant to be none of the Peanuts movies overly complex (and I do mean movies not the specials) we have strong characters that are always interesting to see. The simple story telling is because Peanuts is what we simply call "Slice of Life". One of the themes for Charlie Brown was failure and disappointment ,yet never quitting. Like with me being really annoyed that the book report got destroyed because he is someone we are rooting for to succeed and when he's happy we are happy.
It's not forced appealing to people's nostalgia but can please it anyway. It's there to tell a story and it does that greatly. If the fear for the movie was that it was going to be like other movies that were trying what gets accusations of trying to cash in on the nostalgia factor and nothing else, then this movie from its creation was shown more as a labor of love and to bring its audience something they'd enjoy. Peanuts has a special place in our world , it ran as a comic strip for 50 years, it had over 40 specials , a few movies, a couple TV series and more. That brings people a shared experience that can be passed down generations . It also was both a familiar Peanuts story and a new story because for once, Charlie Brown actually mustered up and talked to the Little Red Headed Girl something we've not seen before. They still kept him Charlie Brown with knowing that C.B may have failures and mishaps , but that he always tries his best, he has a good character. We know that sometimes the others are rough on on him , but there's still even them caring for him.
I did get laughs , enjoyment , tears, anger, and happiness from this movie. If you like Peanuts you'll love this movie. If you want to start someone on Peanuts maybe start with this movie. (read the comic strips too) I am glad it exists.
That's it for now, tune in next time when we get the movie where Charlie Brown finally kicks that football.