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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, August 16, 2018

But First These Messages: Refreshing and fizzy

But First These Messages 

          This television program and or movie is making me thirsty  thanks to that popcorn and or potato chips.  So we need to take a break during our movie or television program and have a soda to refresh the tastebuds.  But First these messages.


   Fresca is still being made today,  personally it is the only sugar free soda I can tolerate drinking without any problem, in fact I didn't know it was sugar free when I was a kid.

   Fresca tastes like Fresca is, whatever that means, some of the adjectives used also work for shampoo.

mmm snowy Fresca 

   I'm not feeling the Fresca though maybe something more lemony ,not grapefruity. 

 I don't know anything about this soda really except that it was made by the Seven Up company and it was around in the 70's.

       The jingle is catchy, though I get they are rhyming it with thirst, but it also rhymes with worst.

 Most of the commercial shows people doing something sporty  when drinking our drink except the part where the guy (guessing a father) is buried under sand but that's strenuous too.  But hey be active and still drink soda is a good message too.

   The lemonade flavored drink is being mocked by that lemon

     I  don't want anything citrus  I should just go with a classic cola. 

 Coke adds life, Coke adds life.

   The commercial from 1977 is lively as Coca-Cola is the soda for the young , who don't have time to say the full name, they say Coke.  It also is going for that 50's nostalgia sound as apparently the 70's having 50's love is like the 2010's having 90's love, minus Netflix making it go out of hand.

This is me without my disguise. 

  Coke's theme of it adding life continued in 1979 as well, with a different tune. 

Coke doesn't just add life it also reproduces itself.

      So Coke's message here is hey you , yeah share the Coke, it's for everyone. (plus you buying two is better than you buying one for us.)
Coke adds... life , hmm those ellipses are scary. 

more after the jump 

    Coca Cola is alright ,but I am mad they changed the formula and made this New Coke stuff, also I am apparently also writing this in 1985.  

          Like Cola was from the 7 Up Company and created in 1982 , as a 99% caffeine  free cola  because reasons.  When Coke decided to make new Coke in 1985 and people couldn't take it, 7 Up thought to maybe see if they could hook the Coke drinkers. 

     I am guessing people didn't like it. (sorry)

  They were going for the angry soda drinker market, and it's not good to make a rash soda drinking decision while angry.
Hey New Coke haters, like our new taste instead?

  These days 7up has a cola as a sister property , called RC Cola  thanks to some mergers. 

   Alright I am tired of these colas , maybe I should try something different.  

  Woah guy, don't start binge drinking Mello Yello

    This ad is kind of promoting  that you can drink the stuff fast  which is unusual talking point.   This was the early Mello Yello ad campaign since Coke's Mountian Dew competitor was started in 1979.  So they were going for how mello(w) it was compared to other sodas and you can drink it a little more therefore I guess buy more of them.

  The Great Mello Yello binge drinking epidemic of 1980

    Oh our whatever is back on,  so that's our commercials this time. I feel refreshed.  

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