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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, January 24, 2019

But First These Messages but We have undersold ad time so PSA's instead!


          We'll be right back more popular children's program  "The Loud Bob Universe of Odd Parents" after these messages.
        So this time we are doing a new "But First These Messages" but with a twist , we don't have ads , instead we have  PSAs ,public service announcements, because someone (sorry) forgot to sell some ad time so have to fill the gap with PSAs.   That's what we are doing this time.

     Sometimes you get lost , so what do you do when you get lost?   Panic!
    I could make fun of this one, but it does a good message of  if you get lost (as a kid?) check your area and find a police person to help. (Doesn't work in the middle no where)

Is that balloon supposed to say Fail? 

         Today's weather forecast calls for 100% sun and 0% rain if we are wrong it's channel 20's fault. 

        I have some questions , why is that guy in the water?  Did that kid want to die?  That metal suit might be dangerous too!
This is the face you see before you die! 

       Now it's time to pet this strange dog. 
      Don't pet random animals he said animals not dogs , so don't pet random bears, only bears you know!

mean doggy mean doggy 

Don't forget to watch new episodes of Cyborg Lassie , every Tuesday!  More after the jump
      You know what's wrong? Borrowing without asking! 

      Stealing is wrong!

  "Hey how do you know our names, pink haired lady who kind of looks like the one on the cassette?" 

   Don't talk to strangers, don't talk to strangers!  That's a good song! 
   "Your Parents were in an accident, how do I know? Because I caused the accident , hahhahahhahahhh"  Hey I'm a stranger don't listen to strangers.   How does Jem know the parents are alright? What's going on here!

Lots of strange things going on today 

    Next time what? 

        Stay fit and don't get chicks?  I don't know.
 This is assault , and you don't have to take it kid! 

   Now you have learned that if you are lost, find a cop or something,  Don't swim in a thunderstorm, don't pet strange dogs, Don't steal, don't listen to strangers and  I don't stay fit so girls don't chase you, Canada is confusing me. 

 Now back to our program! 
  Tune in next time , when we talk to this stranger who tells us not talk to strangers. 


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