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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

It's a Lookback, Charlie Brown: You're in Love, Charlie Brown


      So, it's almost Valentine's day and since our lookbacks can't look at holiday themed specials (we have something else for that) why not look at love? Anyway, this special rounds out our look at the 1960's non holiday specials meaning we are done with the 1960's.   "You're in Love, Charlie Brown" came out not in the summer of love but in late spring of 1967, June 12, 1967.  It aired on CBS (Charlie Brown's sister's network).

          This was the first Peanuts special where adults were given the trombone thing . It was nominated for an Emmy along with "He's your Dog,Charlie Brown" . See why Charlie Brown is in love.

          Charlie Brown is miserable and says that nobody likes him. (Maybe because he complains all the time, and maybe Linus likes you.)  Charlie Brown wants to have lunch with the little red haired girl  but he says his stomach gets all knotted up and doesn't know what's wrong.(For the rest of this post we are going to short hand the Little Red Haired Girl as  LRHG alright?)  Linus tells him the title of the special.

                                     You're not wearing gloves, Charlie Brown/ Copyright Peanuts

           The theme song has lyrics, nice.  In class , Charlie Brown thinks about the LRHG instead of focusing on his work.  It's almost the last day of school. Anyway, Chuck has to do assignment and reads his note out instead of report.    Linus tells C.B at recess that he should just talk to the LRHG but Chuck is Chuck and that means he's not going to do this very well.  Charlie Brown asks Linus to start a conversation. (This doesn't go well in future cases and in this case either.)
Don't roll your face at me Charlie Brown/ Copyright Peanuts 
   Also, Linus and Lucy are in the same class this special, she doesn't really talk this special so that's nice (so far) , the teacher calls him again and he screws that up because he really needs to focus.  Now it's lunchtime and he gets to eat outside, cool.  He thinks  nobody likes him again, but Linus does so. (maybe Chuck is an idiot.) Lucy does get a moment when she gets annoyed that Charlie Brown mentions that he gets nervous  around pretty faces. She also mentions the Christmas queen from "A Charlie Brown Christmas"  Linus defends Charlie Brown but most innocently ,and he reveals to the mean girls that Charlie is in love.
Those are love eyes/ Copyright Peanuts 

     Charlie Brown starts thinking about LRHG's hands (what?) and laments that he'll never get to hold hands with her.  Sally is graduating from Kindergarten and Charlie Brown doesn't like the idea of kindergarten graduations.  We get a Schroeder and Lucy scene and she asks what if they got married. Schroeder has multiple pianos and Beethoven busts too.
He buys this stuff at Costco / Copyright Peanuts 

      Lucy does her doctoring and starts ranting about men. (She later started a blog)  This is the first special with Peppermint Patty appearing in it as well.  She's going to help with his baseball team but he tells her that his real problem is a girl in class.  Peppermint decides to help and talks to Lucille thinking that Charlie Brown meant her. She sets up a meeting for them.  (I ship it)  Charlie Brown says that he is going to do his mission tomorrow. His plans get a little messed up and he has to sneak into school.   Gets in trouble.  He has one chance to talk to the LRHG   but fails to , but ends up with a note that says "I like you, Charlie Brown"-- Signed, the Little Red Haired Girl (it's a family name).
Her last name is girl?/ Copyright Peanuts 

           The animation in this special is what I want to talk about .  The 60's peanuts specials after the first two really got into interesting style groove and this one is really nice.  I like how they made sound effects have onomatopoeic words coming out. The coloring is really well done and I love how it feels like a late spring/early summer time.

         This is great special as well the pay off being that Charlie Brown does get acknowledged by the Little Red Haired girl. He's classic Chuck he's just wanting to the girl to notice him but is too nervous to talk to her.  Peppermint Patty's first showing up was so nice too she really did try to help Chuck even though she innocently messes it up, same with Linus defending Charlie Brown when Lucy and Violet  were making fun of Charlie Brown, even though he kind of  makes it worse it was without intentionally wanting to cause do such a thing.  This is a well done special that I really enjoyed.

  That's our lookback  Tune in next time, when Charlie Brown and Lucy become a couple in college, who would have seen that coming?

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