The Loud House Nickelodeon
Our journey through "The Loud House" season 1 continues. Previously we looked at episode 1 if you want to read that , you can check that here. Now on to episode 2's segments so come along and join the fun! (woah, don't leave!)
Episode 2A: Heavy Meddle
Lincoln has sisters who care about his well being but sometimes care about his well being a little TOO much. It's understandable when there's a kid picking on him he doesn't want them to find out because they might react in a way that might make matters worse.
When a bully leaves gum in Lincoln's hair he tries to hide it from the sisters. He describes it like a weather report and sneaks around the house to the fridge to get peanut butter. (This is the part where I wonder why the heck the Louds have peanut butter in the fridge why? why? why? oh my gosh why? why?) I guess he thinks peanut butter gets gum out hair some how? Doesn't matter there's no peanut butter so instead he gets scissors.
His plan gets derailed though as his mother's voice demands he puts the trash out now. (Bad timing , voice lady) Now he as to do more hiding from sisters but Lisa finds that he has gum in his hair and figures that he didn't put in there. He begs her not to tell anyone but genius girl ends up telling others because she didn't want to keep that info in her head. (what?)
The gaggle of sisters all run to his room and try to figure out what's going on with him. Lincoln begs them to stay out because they'll make it worse. Lincoln does have time to break the fourth wall to do more fake weather relating to his sisters. They suggest multiple weird things to confront the bully. Lynn grabs a random boy ( who now should sue) and then he reveals that it's a girl.
Do they a) still continue the course and decide they should take her because they are girls and boys can't hit girls so they'll do it? b) tell Lincoln they can't beat her up because she's a girl or c) think that it's a crush because this is a cartoon and of course the answer is c and I wasted my time with this game show like question instead of continuing the episode's talk? They all get excited and say that it means one thing "that when a girl picks on you, she likes you". Now they suggest thet he needs to kiss her because sure alright.
After some prodding from Clyde he lets into the madness and lets the girls him so, he can kiss the girl. He goes outside to kiss and she punches him (probably because he just walked up and kissed her) the girls feel bad. He tells them not meddle any more but the episode needed a littlemore time and the girl named Ronnie Annie throws her phone number through his window proving the sisters were right.
Yes the cliche' that if a girl is bullying a boy that means she likes him is really an over played thing in media. It's my personal opinion, but this episode here has 10 girls (some how a baby too?) saying this like it's a universal fact of truth that if a girl is mean to a boy it's because they like him. That doesn't make sense especially for a show where there are 10 girls that have different personalities and interests. I'm nor saying that some could express their liking that way, but that's not a universality and again, this is a show seems like it wants to break stereo types yet, there we go.
The episode does provide some entertainment, minus that, and if I was going to be pedantic I'd mention you shouldn't put raw meat on your face either. At least it ended where the sisters figured not to meddle with Lincoln so much, even thought the episode kind of goes out of its way to say they are right because they want to go with that message that yeah sure, it's a universality and there we go. It's an alright episode but, I can't give it more than 7/10 though.
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Hello and Welcome to Joshuaonline , we like to look at the TV and Media here it's not updated everyday but we try have a few posts each month, hope you enjoy and thanks for visiting
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
The Loud House Season 1: Left in the Dark/ Get the Message
The Loud House Nickelodeon
Very long preface first. The Loud has been covered on this blog in a different way where I've not been doing the episodes in episodic order I've been them using a randomizer site and picking two 11 minute segments to talk about them that way. (Or using seasonal episodes to cover seasonal moments)
For this period I'll be doing the episodes in order. When I do get to an episode I've done already from "The Loud House" I'll mark that with a link to that post then skip to the segment I've not done
Just in case this is an introduction post to those who don't know what the Loud House the here's a short explanation. The series is a ,as of this writing, a currently running Nickelodeon network animated series about an 11 year old boy named Lincoln Loud who is the middle sibling in a family with 10 other children who are all girls. The series (mostly) follows the exploits of this boy doing his daily life That's the very short explanation.
Episode 1A : Left in the Dark.
The plot of a character wanting to watch the TV but having to share it with their other siblings is one I wasn't expecting in a series that seems to take place in a modern time where you normally wouldn't think of that as a thing as much as it still might be a thing. Either that or many modern shows don't want to do that type of plot any more. That's not fully what this segment is about but I thought it was interesting to note that part of it was that.
Since this is the first full episode of the series, which was originally promoted with shorts, this episode has the purpose of also introducing us to our cast of characters and with 11 of them it has to do that quickly for 11 minutes and still get on with the plot. Lincoln wants to watch his favorite show Arrgh! which is like those ghost hunting shows that Travel Channel used or kind of still does do , or really any of those ghost hunting show. It's having a live finale episode.
Something shown in the shorts carries on this episode as well, where Lincoln talks to the audiece showing that will be a main feature of the series. (as he stares in your soul.) Lincoln explains yes it is hard to watch a show in a family with 11 kids but he has plan for this time. Clyde, his best friend, is introduced as well as well that kid who has a crush on Lincoln's eldest sister, Lori. The first segment also introduces what will be a running gag in the series Lincoln doing a really long name operation and even acknowledging it's a long name. ( Operation write a blog post about The Loud House and make a joke in the margins again when we haven't even gone past the 2:12 mark in the episode and not even know how to finish up this joke so, we just cut it off with a )
Now Lincoln puts his plan into action. First, there are the twin sisters who are six, we (the people) get an introduction into the characters' personality traits. Lola likes tea parties, Lana likes frogs. Luan likes to record stuff for the internet (what ever happened to that? oh yeah distracted from the episode again) Lisa likes big words and science (every series needs a young genius) , Lynn likes sports, Leni likes beauty, Luna likes music, Lori likes her phone (because teenager), Lilly is a baby. Lucy is the spooky sister and he offers her an old TV set to watch her show on black and white TV. (nice)
Lincoln plugs the TV in and the power goes out. We also find out that Luan likes to make jokes and puns. They added the series running gag of Lucy making characters jump because they didn't know where she was and the response of sighs and moans when Luan makes a joke. Anyway, they all seem to get nervous about the darkness and Lincoln decides to just go down an turn the lights on himself.
Now the the power is on, Lincoln makes it first to the TV and missed his show (because some how it took them 30 minutes or an hour to turn on the lights?) The sisters cheer him up and it's nice happy ending.
Introducing the audience to the family and using a nice simple plot is a good start to the series. The show's aesthetic is pleasing and the animation style itself is simple yet well done. I think it was fine segment and really brings delightful experience to introducing anyone to the show. 10/10.
More after the Jump
Very long preface first. The Loud has been covered on this blog in a different way where I've not been doing the episodes in episodic order I've been them using a randomizer site and picking two 11 minute segments to talk about them that way. (Or using seasonal episodes to cover seasonal moments)
For this period I'll be doing the episodes in order. When I do get to an episode I've done already from "The Loud House" I'll mark that with a link to that post then skip to the segment I've not done
Just in case this is an introduction post to those who don't know what the Loud House the here's a short explanation. The series is a ,as of this writing, a currently running Nickelodeon network animated series about an 11 year old boy named Lincoln Loud who is the middle sibling in a family with 10 other children who are all girls. The series (mostly) follows the exploits of this boy doing his daily life That's the very short explanation.
Episode 1A : Left in the Dark.
The plot of a character wanting to watch the TV but having to share it with their other siblings is one I wasn't expecting in a series that seems to take place in a modern time where you normally wouldn't think of that as a thing as much as it still might be a thing. Either that or many modern shows don't want to do that type of plot any more. That's not fully what this segment is about but I thought it was interesting to note that part of it was that.
Since this is the first full episode of the series, which was originally promoted with shorts, this episode has the purpose of also introducing us to our cast of characters and with 11 of them it has to do that quickly for 11 minutes and still get on with the plot. Lincoln wants to watch his favorite show Arrgh! which is like those ghost hunting shows that Travel Channel used or kind of still does do , or really any of those ghost hunting show. It's having a live finale episode.
Something shown in the shorts carries on this episode as well, where Lincoln talks to the audiece showing that will be a main feature of the series. (as he stares in your soul.) Lincoln explains yes it is hard to watch a show in a family with 11 kids but he has plan for this time. Clyde, his best friend, is introduced as well as well that kid who has a crush on Lincoln's eldest sister, Lori. The first segment also introduces what will be a running gag in the series Lincoln doing a really long name operation and even acknowledging it's a long name. ( Operation write a blog post about The Loud House and make a joke in the margins again when we haven't even gone past the 2:12 mark in the episode and not even know how to finish up this joke so, we just cut it off with a )
Now Lincoln puts his plan into action. First, there are the twin sisters who are six, we (the people) get an introduction into the characters' personality traits. Lola likes tea parties, Lana likes frogs. Luan likes to record stuff for the internet (what ever happened to that? oh yeah distracted from the episode again) Lisa likes big words and science (every series needs a young genius) , Lynn likes sports, Leni likes beauty, Luna likes music, Lori likes her phone (because teenager), Lilly is a baby. Lucy is the spooky sister and he offers her an old TV set to watch her show on black and white TV. (nice)
Lincoln plugs the TV in and the power goes out. We also find out that Luan likes to make jokes and puns. They added the series running gag of Lucy making characters jump because they didn't know where she was and the response of sighs and moans when Luan makes a joke. Anyway, they all seem to get nervous about the darkness and Lincoln decides to just go down an turn the lights on himself.
Now the the power is on, Lincoln makes it first to the TV and missed his show (because some how it took them 30 minutes or an hour to turn on the lights?) The sisters cheer him up and it's nice happy ending.
Introducing the audience to the family and using a nice simple plot is a good start to the series. The show's aesthetic is pleasing and the animation style itself is simple yet well done. I think it was fine segment and really brings delightful experience to introducing anyone to the show. 10/10.
More after the Jump
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
We look at Stitch and Ai
Remember when I talked about the anime series "Stitch"? Which I thought was an alright series, I did think that we were done. Disney did announce they are making a live-action Lilo and Stitch movie because Disney has nothing better to do or something. I found out later that there was another Lilo and Stitch, well Stitch, series and this time from China.
But it's not a knock-off series because Disney was involved in making it or at least endorses it because it's even on the Disney Now service in the United States. (Not even "Stitch" gets that respect) So this series is called "Stitch and Ai" (Pronounced like "I" or eye) where once again Lilo is not involved because what is she done acting, did she quit? I also thought that maybe Stitch had given up on Yuna, from the anime", but apparently this happens before Japan? The series ran for 13 episodes in 2017, first on China state television network on CCTV-1 and CCTV-14 eventually making it to Disney Channel Southeast Asia with an English dub.
The first episode in English is called "Hello-Goodbye".( I like that song too) So our not Lilo character is narrating where she lives in the Huangshan mountains. A real mountain range in China so, we are learning geography today! Our main character is named Wang Ai Ling but she says you can call her Ai. Her English voice is by Erica Mendez so, Disney really has gone all out on this. The theme song fits China as much as the first series theme fits Hawaii and the other series, Japan. "Lilo and Stitch the series" has the most catchy theme of all of them.
Stitch has been kidnapped by space criminals. His English done this time by Ben Diskin who was the voice of him in the English dub of "Sitch" he's also done voices in anime such as "Digimon Fusion" (why we picked that credit, nobody knows), and he was the voice of Nigel Uno in "Codenamed Kids Next Door" , plus more but we aren't IMDB. Then because everybody loves Stitch another space gang goes after the first space gang to steal him and while they try to get him he escapes. He crash lands on Earth (with visions of Lilo in his head) and lands guess where?
Ohio. (Well, you know where he lands) The Huangshan mountains, but let's see what Ai is up to. So she doesn't want to go somewhere. So very much like Lilo, Ai's parents are dead and she's being looked after by her sister,Jiejie. There's an aunt named Daiyu who wants Ai to live with her to be the city because she's mean. Also, Jiejie and Daiyu are voiced in English by Laura Post, who recently has done the voice of Isabella in "The Promised Neverland" dub.
Here's a picture of Ai and her sister/ Copyright Disney because it's not a knockoff series
The series Mertle is Meiying who apparently just walks into people's houses as Peanuts characters do. Ai sees star in the daytime and thinks to make a wish on it. Ai runs out and sees that that star is Stitch. The bad guys come back and chase Stitch and Ai. Plus in episode 1, I have to point out that guy with Ice Cream seen in the original series is in this episode with ice cream! Meanwhile, Stitch and Ai don't die falling off a cliff and the bad guys are still after them. The bad guys get stopped and I wonder if we will see them again. The aunt who wants to move Ai out is trying to still get Ai out, also Sitch can write Chinese so, he's versatile.
More after the jump
Monday, June 24, 2019
My Network TV's fall Line Up 2019
My Network TV
The FOX owned service, My Network TV has released their fall line up. The network that acts as a syndication service to bring programming to local stations continues for the 2019-2020 season.
The return of "Law and Order :SVU" is part of the line up, other series like "Law and Order :CI", "Dateline", "Chicago P.D", and "CSI :Miamai" make their return as well. Meanwhile, "The Good Wife" is leaving the line up. The New line up starts September 23.
Full schedule all time eastern/central many affiliates air programming in their own time slots so check listings in your area.
8/7c Law & Order : SVU
9/8c Law & Order: SVU
8/7c Chicago P.D.
9/8c Chicago P.D.
8/7c Dateline
9/8c Dateline
8/7c Law & Order :CI (new night)
9/8c Law & Order :CI
8/7c CSI: Miami
9/8c CSI: Miami
The FOX owned service, My Network TV has released their fall line up. The network that acts as a syndication service to bring programming to local stations continues for the 2019-2020 season.
The return of "Law and Order :SVU" is part of the line up, other series like "Law and Order :CI", "Dateline", "Chicago P.D", and "CSI :Miamai" make their return as well. Meanwhile, "The Good Wife" is leaving the line up. The New line up starts September 23.
Full schedule all time eastern/central many affiliates air programming in their own time slots so check listings in your area.
8/7c Law & Order : SVU
9/8c Law & Order: SVU
8/7c Chicago P.D.
9/8c Chicago P.D.
8/7c Dateline
9/8c Dateline
8/7c Law & Order :CI (new night)
9/8c Law & Order :CI
8/7c CSI: Miami
9/8c CSI: Miami
FOX Sets Fall 2019 Premiere Dates
FOX TVLookFall2019
FOX has released their fall season premiere dates.
FOX's season starts with the 71th Primetime Emmy Awards on Sunday, September 22nd at 8pmet/ 5pm pt.
Here are the dates/times for the premieres all times ET except where otherwise noted.
Monday, September 23rd
8PM 9-1-1 (Season Premiere)
9PM Prodigal Son (Series Premiere)
Tuesday, September 24th
8PM The Resident (Season Premiere)
9PM Empire (Season Premiere)
Wednesday,September 25th
8PM The Masked Singer (Two Hour Season Premiere)
Thursday, September 26th
7:30PM /4:30PT Thursday Night Football
Sunday, September 29th
8PM The Simpsons (Season Premiere)
8:30 Bless the Harts (Series Premiere
9PM Bob's Burgers (Season Premiere)
9:30PM Family Guy (Season Premiere)
Wednesday, October 2nd
8PM The Masked Singer (Time Period Premiere)
9PM Almost Family (Series Premiere)
Friday, October 4th
8PM WWE's Smackdown Live (FOX Premiere)
Press Release after the jump
FOX has released their fall season premiere dates.
FOX's season starts with the 71th Primetime Emmy Awards on Sunday, September 22nd at 8pmet/ 5pm pt.
Here are the dates/times for the premieres all times ET except where otherwise noted.
Monday, September 23rd
8PM 9-1-1 (Season Premiere)
9PM Prodigal Son (Series Premiere)
Tuesday, September 24th
8PM The Resident (Season Premiere)
9PM Empire (Season Premiere)
Wednesday,September 25th
8PM The Masked Singer (Two Hour Season Premiere)
Thursday, September 26th
7:30PM /4:30PT Thursday Night Football
Sunday, September 29th
8PM The Simpsons (Season Premiere)
8:30 Bless the Harts (Series Premiere
9PM Bob's Burgers (Season Premiere)
9:30PM Family Guy (Season Premiere)
Wednesday, October 2nd
8PM The Masked Singer (Time Period Premiere)
9PM Almost Family (Series Premiere)
Friday, October 4th
8PM WWE's Smackdown Live (FOX Premiere)
Press Release after the jump
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Weekendering : The Weekenders Season 1: Dead Ringer/ Carver The Terrible
The Weekenders Disney
If you missed our last post about "The Weekenders" click here to read about episode 7.
As mentioned before "The Weekenders" has four seasons, but only 39 episodes. Seasons 2 and 3 had 13 episodes, while season 4 had 5 and that means season 1 had 8. So, this is the finale episode pairing for season 1.
Episode 8A : Dead Ringer
Another episode with an event going on and this time it's an all school picnic. Tino doesn't want to play a sport because he doesn't want to embarrass himself. His normal choice is usually chess but this year he can't do it because of rabbits. That means he has to sign up for a sport. Good thing he has until Sunday to figure out which one.
He still worries about it. His friends help him figure out a sport starting with golf (nope) , badminton (bad admit it) , Tetherball (nope) and 8 other sports. Lor has apparently 14 brothers I think. (Fun running gag) They are now trying team sports but Tino fails at that too. Now they figure out his calling might be horseshoes.
When he practices horseshoes he doesn't do to well. He does get better but, he finds out that they are using metals ones because of course. After a while he does seem to get a hang of it but doesn't win but it seemed he had fun.
That was a fun episode. I like how Tino ended up following his mother's advice about just having fun without even thinking about it. We get a little more about Tino's characterization. I liked it 9/10.
More after the Jump
If you missed our last post about "The Weekenders" click here to read about episode 7.
As mentioned before "The Weekenders" has four seasons, but only 39 episodes. Seasons 2 and 3 had 13 episodes, while season 4 had 5 and that means season 1 had 8. So, this is the finale episode pairing for season 1.
Episode 8A : Dead Ringer
Another episode with an event going on and this time it's an all school picnic. Tino doesn't want to play a sport because he doesn't want to embarrass himself. His normal choice is usually chess but this year he can't do it because of rabbits. That means he has to sign up for a sport. Good thing he has until Sunday to figure out which one.
He still worries about it. His friends help him figure out a sport starting with golf (nope) , badminton (bad admit it) , Tetherball (nope) and 8 other sports. Lor has apparently 14 brothers I think. (Fun running gag) They are now trying team sports but Tino fails at that too. Now they figure out his calling might be horseshoes.
When he practices horseshoes he doesn't do to well. He does get better but, he finds out that they are using metals ones because of course. After a while he does seem to get a hang of it but doesn't win but it seemed he had fun.
That was a fun episode. I like how Tino ended up following his mother's advice about just having fun without even thinking about it. We get a little more about Tino's characterization. I liked it 9/10.
More after the Jump
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Weekendering : The Weekenders : Season 1: Party Planning/ Pudding Ball
The Weekenders Disney
Our Look through the first season of the Weekenders continues with a look at Disney's "The Weekenders". If you missed out Look at episode 6, Read here, now we look at episode 7.
Episode 7A : Party Planning
In this episode Tino gets a party invitation and he's not happy about it , it seems. It's a boy-girl party without a clown meaning there's dancing. Carver gets one too they both freak out because they don't know what to do at that kind of party. Lor and Tish offer to help them since they are girls and all.
Tish and Lor teach the boys how to handle the party all of that Saturday and little bit of the that Sunday. Then Tino turns the tables and he and Carver teach Lor and Tish how to act around boys. All of this might be a bad idea. Of course, Tino's Mom tells him to be himself but she expands on that normal line by saying that not every girl will like him being himself but there will be ones that will. (Tino's right we might a map for sentence) The four of them decide to act normal. (yay)
The one thing they hinted at the beginning what they called LGS (Lateral Gravity Syndrome) where the boys and girls separate at a party happens anyway.
Almost as if all that all went through in this episode was a waste of time! But really, the training parts were fun to watch and yes, they had Tino's Mom do the job again of being the clarity before any of them did anything stupid but that's alright. It did have a good message , yes the simple message of be yourself which even this show has done alot this season. It's 7/10 from me.
More after the Jump
Our Look through the first season of the Weekenders continues with a look at Disney's "The Weekenders". If you missed out Look at episode 6, Read here, now we look at episode 7.
Episode 7A : Party Planning
In this episode Tino gets a party invitation and he's not happy about it , it seems. It's a boy-girl party without a clown meaning there's dancing. Carver gets one too they both freak out because they don't know what to do at that kind of party. Lor and Tish offer to help them since they are girls and all.
Tish and Lor teach the boys how to handle the party all of that Saturday and little bit of the that Sunday. Then Tino turns the tables and he and Carver teach Lor and Tish how to act around boys. All of this might be a bad idea. Of course, Tino's Mom tells him to be himself but she expands on that normal line by saying that not every girl will like him being himself but there will be ones that will. (Tino's right we might a map for sentence) The four of them decide to act normal. (yay)
The one thing they hinted at the beginning what they called LGS (Lateral Gravity Syndrome) where the boys and girls separate at a party happens anyway.
Almost as if all that all went through in this episode was a waste of time! But really, the training parts were fun to watch and yes, they had Tino's Mom do the job again of being the clarity before any of them did anything stupid but that's alright. It did have a good message , yes the simple message of be yourself which even this show has done alot this season. It's 7/10 from me.
More after the Jump
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Scooby Doo 50: Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Scooby Doo 50

While by 1998 "Scooby Doo " wasn't in a TV series since the end of "A Pup Named Scooby Doo" ended in 1991 and the television specials and movies kind of dried up there was a new channel to go through: the direct to video market. Though, because of Scooby Doo's rerun popularity on Cartoon Network they did end up airing the DTV movies. The first of the direct to video and certainly not the last was "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island".
This movie was marked as a darker and "the monsters are real" though it is not the first time "Scooby Doo" has has real monsters and ghosts. This isn't even the first Scooby Doo media I've talked about where at least Scooby and Shaggy have met real ghosts and monsters I will this movie is less comedic than past ones though.
Since Don Messick, the voice of Scooby Doo, died before this movie wasmade they had Scott Innes do the dog's voice, meanwhile, Casey Kasem didn't come back as Shaggy because he wanted Shaggy to be a vegetarian but they said no or something and Billy West took the voice role. The only voice actor to return from the original series was Frank Welker.
The movie begins with the gang running around a spooky house from a monster because that's how Scooby works. Also did you want to hear "Scooby Doo Where are you?" pefromed by Third Eye Blind? Well Merry Christmas! (That's a semi charmed life there) Meanwhile, the monster is a man in a suit. It was actually Daphne talking about a case talking a 90's talk show. Daphne is now the host of a syndicated show called "Coast to Coast with Daphne Blake" because the talk show host told us she is. Daphne says that the job got boring and the gang broke up. She and Fred work together though on her show. (Calm down you!)
Daphne wants to find real ghosts now for her show and Fred gets an idea to bring the band back together. I know this movie is like 76 minutes long but woah slow down. Shaggy and Scooby work as airport customs (how the heck they get this job? That's right it's before 9/11) Velma works as a mystery book store owner. (A store with one genre of books) Shaggy and Scooby get fired for eating contraband. (How'd they get this job again?)
Scooby and Shaggy apparently have lost a few jobs. (Can't imagine why) Plot convenient timing too! Fred surprises Daphne with Shaggy,Scooby,and Velma. Oh it's Daphne's birthday too because of course it is her birthday. (ding) They are going to New Orleans. After a montage of them looking for real ghosts and monsters they keep running into fakes because New Orleans is apparently filled with fake ghosts?
Since this movie is 76 minutes long, we need to get to that zombie Island but how? How?! Oh hey. There's a woman named Lena Dupree who tells them about MoonScar Island she invites them to check out the Island. Lena works for a woman named Simone Lenoir, there's also a gardener named Beau Neville , and a fisherman named Snakebite Scruggs. Simone tells them that her house is haunted.
Shaggy and Scooby end up meeting a ghost that tells them to "Get Out" (standard ghost talk). Then when the rest of the gang see the word Beware appear. Velma starts to levitate. Anyway they end up seeing the ghost of Morgan Moonscar in film footage. Fred still wants to think that is fake like normal. Simone tells them that there was a treasure from the pirate on the island that's not been found.
Shaggy and Scooby meet the ghost in person this time he's more zombie ish now. Simone says they can stay the night. (They couldn't leave the Island this early in the movie anyway) Later, Shaggy and Scooby see the a ghost of a Confederate solider who also tells them to get out. Also, there's a Freddy ascot joke. A lot of this movie is Shaggy and Scooby eating very hot peppers and Scooby chasing cats.
I feel that they are making the gardener seem more suspicious to the point where it is pretty much the movie telling us that he's not part of anything strange. He does save Velma from dying in quick sand. Also Fred and Daphne should just kiss already I mean really. Also they meet a zombie and it's real one.
More supernatural stuff happens and there are more zombies. They got SkyCycle to perform music for this movie too which Wikipedia says they are best known for doing music in , uh this movie. Also, Scooby and Shaggy find voo doo dolls that they use to end up causing their friends to float and hit each other. Anyway , more zombies. Lena and Simone are nowhere to be seen. Daphne finds the Munster house staircase with Fred fallen in with Lena (oh my). There was a secret passage way in the way and zombies dragged Simone way. Velma is skeptical because yes.
And rightfully so, because Simone and Lena are evil! (What a twist!) Simone and Lena are also cat creature things , that explains why she didn't like dogs. Meanwhile, they want to use the gang minus Shaggy and Scooby, for their continued immorality. Flashback time, Lena and Simone were settlers on the island with their cat god. When the pirates came ashore a do what pirates do and killed off all the settlers that weren't Simone and Lena. They ended up being cat creatures and killed the pirates.
The zombies were actually there to help them and telling them to get out from the danger. Velma eventually gets a couple of the voo doo dolls and frees herself, Beau, Daphne, and Freddy and end up using two for Lena and Simone. This stops those two from doing their plans and causing the cat curse to finish thus, disintegrating them. The zombies can rest at peace now. Beau was a detective the whole time. Fred and Daphne seem to have each other again and Velma has a crush on Beau. They leave the island the end.
This movie is great. I've watched it before but haven't in a long time it still quite fun to watch. I like the tone it takes where it is much more serious but not lacking any comedy at all. While it seems the Scooby chasing cats was too much it does fit with hints of why Simone was annoyed by a dog's presence. I also like how the zombie were there trying to help because of Lena and Simone's killing them for their immortality. It really is a dark movie , where the villains were using supernatural abilities and killing off people that is something you normally don't see in Scooby Doo. This is really good movie and it deserves to be checked out.
That does it for us now, tune in next time when we wonder why people where customs to get stuff to work.

While by 1998 "Scooby Doo " wasn't in a TV series since the end of "A Pup Named Scooby Doo" ended in 1991 and the television specials and movies kind of dried up there was a new channel to go through: the direct to video market. Though, because of Scooby Doo's rerun popularity on Cartoon Network they did end up airing the DTV movies. The first of the direct to video and certainly not the last was "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island".
This movie was marked as a darker and "the monsters are real" though it is not the first time "Scooby Doo" has has real monsters and ghosts. This isn't even the first Scooby Doo media I've talked about where at least Scooby and Shaggy have met real ghosts and monsters I will this movie is less comedic than past ones though.
Since Don Messick, the voice of Scooby Doo, died before this movie wasmade they had Scott Innes do the dog's voice, meanwhile, Casey Kasem didn't come back as Shaggy because he wanted Shaggy to be a vegetarian but they said no or something and Billy West took the voice role. The only voice actor to return from the original series was Frank Welker.
The movie begins with the gang running around a spooky house from a monster because that's how Scooby works. Also did you want to hear "Scooby Doo Where are you?" pefromed by Third Eye Blind? Well Merry Christmas! (That's a semi charmed life there) Meanwhile, the monster is a man in a suit. It was actually Daphne talking about a case talking a 90's talk show. Daphne is now the host of a syndicated show called "Coast to Coast with Daphne Blake" because the talk show host told us she is. Daphne says that the job got boring and the gang broke up. She and Fred work together though on her show. (Calm down you!)
I'm more confused if that microphone works or not/ Copyright Warner Bros.
Daphne wants to find real ghosts now for her show and Fred gets an idea to bring the band back together. I know this movie is like 76 minutes long but woah slow down. Shaggy and Scooby work as airport customs (how the heck they get this job? That's right it's before 9/11) Velma works as a mystery book store owner. (A store with one genre of books) Shaggy and Scooby get fired for eating contraband. (How'd they get this job again?)
Whoever hired them for this job should also be fired/ Copyright Warner Bros.
Scooby and Shaggy apparently have lost a few jobs. (Can't imagine why) Plot convenient timing too! Fred surprises Daphne with Shaggy,Scooby,and Velma. Oh it's Daphne's birthday too because of course it is her birthday. (ding) They are going to New Orleans. After a montage of them looking for real ghosts and monsters they keep running into fakes because New Orleans is apparently filled with fake ghosts?
In New Orleans the food cooks you / Copyright Warner Bros.
Since this movie is 76 minutes long, we need to get to that zombie Island but how? How?! Oh hey. There's a woman named Lena Dupree who tells them about MoonScar Island she invites them to check out the Island. Lena works for a woman named Simone Lenoir, there's also a gardener named Beau Neville , and a fisherman named Snakebite Scruggs. Simone tells them that her house is haunted.
It's haunted by my cold hands hahhahah/ Copyright Warner Bros.
Shaggy and Scooby end up meeting a ghost that tells them to "Get Out" (standard ghost talk). Then when the rest of the gang see the word Beware appear. Velma starts to levitate. Anyway they end up seeing the ghost of Morgan Moonscar in film footage. Fred still wants to think that is fake like normal. Simone tells them that there was a treasure from the pirate on the island that's not been found.
He seems nice / Copyright Warner Bros.
Shaggy and Scooby meet the ghost in person this time he's more zombie ish now. Simone says they can stay the night. (They couldn't leave the Island this early in the movie anyway) Later, Shaggy and Scooby see the a ghost of a Confederate solider who also tells them to get out. Also, there's a Freddy ascot joke. A lot of this movie is Shaggy and Scooby eating very hot peppers and Scooby chasing cats.
I feel that they are making the gardener seem more suspicious to the point where it is pretty much the movie telling us that he's not part of anything strange. He does save Velma from dying in quick sand. Also Fred and Daphne should just kiss already I mean really. Also they meet a zombie and it's real one.
Since the Zombie is dead, you really shouldn't try so hard to pull of his head/ Copyright Warner Bros.
More supernatural stuff happens and there are more zombies. They got SkyCycle to perform music for this movie too which Wikipedia says they are best known for doing music in , uh this movie. Also, Scooby and Shaggy find voo doo dolls that they use to end up causing their friends to float and hit each other. Anyway , more zombies. Lena and Simone are nowhere to be seen. Daphne finds the Munster house staircase with Fred fallen in with Lena (oh my). There was a secret passage way in the way and zombies dragged Simone way. Velma is skeptical because yes.
And rightfully so, because Simone and Lena are evil! (What a twist!) Simone and Lena are also cat creature things , that explains why she didn't like dogs. Meanwhile, they want to use the gang minus Shaggy and Scooby, for their continued immorality. Flashback time, Lena and Simone were settlers on the island with their cat god. When the pirates came ashore a do what pirates do and killed off all the settlers that weren't Simone and Lena. They ended up being cat creatures and killed the pirates.
MEEEOWWWW/ Copyright Warner Bros.
The zombies were actually there to help them and telling them to get out from the danger. Velma eventually gets a couple of the voo doo dolls and frees herself, Beau, Daphne, and Freddy and end up using two for Lena and Simone. This stops those two from doing their plans and causing the cat curse to finish thus, disintegrating them. The zombies can rest at peace now. Beau was a detective the whole time. Fred and Daphne seem to have each other again and Velma has a crush on Beau. They leave the island the end.
This movie is great. I've watched it before but haven't in a long time it still quite fun to watch. I like the tone it takes where it is much more serious but not lacking any comedy at all. While it seems the Scooby chasing cats was too much it does fit with hints of why Simone was annoyed by a dog's presence. I also like how the zombie were there trying to help because of Lena and Simone's killing them for their immortality. It really is a dark movie , where the villains were using supernatural abilities and killing off people that is something you normally don't see in Scooby Doo. This is really good movie and it deserves to be checked out.
That does it for us now, tune in next time when we wonder why people where customs to get stuff to work.
Monday, June 17, 2019
The CW releases Fall 2019 Premiere Dates
The CW Primetime TVLookFall2019
The CW has released it's fall premiere dates from their fall line up,
In true CW style they start their line up in October. Also per tradition , they start their fall season with The I Heart Radio Music Festival on October 2nd and October 3rd.
Here are the dates released. All Time ET unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, October 2nd
8-10PM 2019 I Heart Radio Music Festival ,Night One
Thursday, October 3rd
8-10PM 2019 I Heart Radio Music Festival, Night Two
Sunday, October 6th
8PM Batwoman (Series Premiere)
9PM SuperGirl (Season Premiere)
Monday, October 7th
8PM All American (Season Premiere)
9PM Batwoman (Encore)
Tuesday, October 8th
8PM The Flash (Season Premiere)
9PM Batwoman ( 2nd Encore)
Wednesday, October 9th
8PM Riverdale (Season Premiere)
9PM Nancy Drew (Series Premiere)
Thursday, October 10th
8PM Supernatural (Season Premiere)
9PM Legacies (Season Premiere)
Friday, October 11th
8PM Charmed (Season Premiere)
9PM Dynasty (Season Premiere)
Monday, October 14th
8PM All American (Original Episode)
9PM Nancy Drew (Encore of Series Premiere)
Tuesday, October 15th
8PM The Flash (Original Episode)
9PM ARROW (Season Premiere)
Monday,October 21
8PM All American (Original Episode)
9PM Black Lightning (Season Premiere)
Press Release after the Jump
The CW has released it's fall premiere dates from their fall line up,
In true CW style they start their line up in October. Also per tradition , they start their fall season with The I Heart Radio Music Festival on October 2nd and October 3rd.
Here are the dates released. All Time ET unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, October 2nd
8-10PM 2019 I Heart Radio Music Festival ,Night One
Thursday, October 3rd
8-10PM 2019 I Heart Radio Music Festival, Night Two
Sunday, October 6th
8PM Batwoman (Series Premiere)
9PM SuperGirl (Season Premiere)
Monday, October 7th
8PM All American (Season Premiere)
9PM Batwoman (Encore)
Tuesday, October 8th
8PM The Flash (Season Premiere)
9PM Batwoman ( 2nd Encore)
Wednesday, October 9th
8PM Riverdale (Season Premiere)
9PM Nancy Drew (Series Premiere)
Thursday, October 10th
8PM Supernatural (Season Premiere)
9PM Legacies (Season Premiere)
Friday, October 11th
8PM Charmed (Season Premiere)
9PM Dynasty (Season Premiere)
Monday, October 14th
8PM All American (Original Episode)
9PM Nancy Drew (Encore of Series Premiere)
Tuesday, October 15th
8PM The Flash (Original Episode)
9PM ARROW (Season Premiere)
Monday,October 21
8PM All American (Original Episode)
9PM Black Lightning (Season Premiere)
Press Release after the Jump
NBC Fall 2019 Premiere Dates Announced
NBC Primetime TV Look Fall 2019
NBC has released its premiere dates for it's fall 2019 line up that was announced in May.
As usual for NBC's season the first thing is football with the Opening Night Game on Thursday, September 5th with the Packers and Bears this year.
Here are the premiere dates and times for rest of the line up , all times ET, unless otherwise noted..
Monday, September 23rd
8-10PM The Voice (Season Premiere)
10PM Bluff City Law (Series Premiere)
Tuesday, September 24th
8PM The Voice
9PM This Is Us (Season Premiere)
10PM New Amsterdam (Season Premiere)
Wednesday, September 25th
8PM Chicago Med (Season Premiere)
9PM Chicago Med (Season Premiere)
10PM Chicago P.D (Season Premiere)
Thursday, September 26th
8PM Superstore (Season Premiere)
8:30PM Perfect Harmony (Series Premiere)
9PM The Good Place (Season Premiere)
9:30PM Sunnyside (Series Premiere)
10PM Law & Order SVU (Season Premiere)
Friday, September 27th
8PM Bluff City Law (repeat)
9PM Dateline NBC (Season Premiere)
Friday, October 4th
8PM The Blacklist (Season Premiere)
Saturday, October 5th
9pm Dateline Saturday Night Mystery
10PM Saturday Night Live encores
Press Release after the Jump
NBC has released its premiere dates for it's fall 2019 line up that was announced in May.
As usual for NBC's season the first thing is football with the Opening Night Game on Thursday, September 5th with the Packers and Bears this year.
Here are the premiere dates and times for rest of the line up , all times ET, unless otherwise noted..
Monday, September 23rd
8-10PM The Voice (Season Premiere)
10PM Bluff City Law (Series Premiere)
Tuesday, September 24th
8PM The Voice
9PM This Is Us (Season Premiere)
10PM New Amsterdam (Season Premiere)
Wednesday, September 25th
8PM Chicago Med (Season Premiere)
9PM Chicago Med (Season Premiere)
10PM Chicago P.D (Season Premiere)
Thursday, September 26th
8PM Superstore (Season Premiere)
8:30PM Perfect Harmony (Series Premiere)
9PM The Good Place (Season Premiere)
9:30PM Sunnyside (Series Premiere)
10PM Law & Order SVU (Season Premiere)
Friday, September 27th
8PM Bluff City Law (repeat)
9PM Dateline NBC (Season Premiere)
Friday, October 4th
8PM The Blacklist (Season Premiere)
Saturday, October 5th
9pm Dateline Saturday Night Mystery
10PM Saturday Night Live encores
Press Release after the Jump
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Weekendering : The Weekenders : Season 1: Makeover / The New Girl
The Weekenders Disney
The Journey through "The Weekenders" season 1 continues. If you missed our look at episode 5 then click here. We continue with episode 6's pair of segments now.
Episode 6 A : Makeover
That video game featured in the opening theme is now in an episode, well finally. Anyway, Lor is playing the game against some kid and wins and remember that guy from episode 1 , that Lor had a crush on? He's back! Now we find out that Thompson is first name and he apparently has asked Lor to hang out. Two girls who've never seen before take her somewhere. (To kill her?) Ok their names are Christi and Candy. (what?)
These two girls want to give Lor a make over according to their standards. They tell Lori that this magazine girl is what all boys want , even though Tino and Carver think the person in the magazine doesn't look good. The rest of them go doing their own make-overs. Eventually, they see what the new Lor looks like. She tries to eat food but, Christi and Candy uhhh don't want to. (see my question about killing her above.)
Lor does show questioning of feeling a bit wrong. Tino's mom says that Tino and his friends should let Lor figure out things herself. Meanwhile, Lor hears more of what those two girls want to do and it causes her to twitch but, that may have snapped her out of it back to normal. Also , if you'v been following along Thompson does like normal Lor and he didn't like the "other Lor". Meanwhile, Christi and Candy hear that Thompson doesn't like the model girl they like so, they instead decide to copy a rock climber. So happy ending for all?
It's a be yourself episode with that message that is alright to change how you dress and stuff as long as it is something you want to do and it's alright to want to be yourself and not change how you look. That's a nice expansion of that kind of message where it fills in nuisances of it. The advice by Tino's Mom to just make sure Lor is eating right and not doing anything to harm herself was a good touch and again the idea of expression as long as it doesn't do anything harmful was well crafted. It was a really good episode I give it 9.5/10
More after the Jump
The Journey through "The Weekenders" season 1 continues. If you missed our look at episode 5 then click here. We continue with episode 6's pair of segments now.
Episode 6 A : Makeover
That video game featured in the opening theme is now in an episode, well finally. Anyway, Lor is playing the game against some kid and wins and remember that guy from episode 1 , that Lor had a crush on? He's back! Now we find out that Thompson is first name and he apparently has asked Lor to hang out. Two girls who've never seen before take her somewhere. (To kill her?) Ok their names are Christi and Candy. (what?)
These two girls want to give Lor a make over according to their standards. They tell Lori that this magazine girl is what all boys want , even though Tino and Carver think the person in the magazine doesn't look good. The rest of them go doing their own make-overs. Eventually, they see what the new Lor looks like. She tries to eat food but, Christi and Candy uhhh don't want to. (see my question about killing her above.)
Lor does show questioning of feeling a bit wrong. Tino's mom says that Tino and his friends should let Lor figure out things herself. Meanwhile, Lor hears more of what those two girls want to do and it causes her to twitch but, that may have snapped her out of it back to normal. Also , if you'v been following along Thompson does like normal Lor and he didn't like the "other Lor". Meanwhile, Christi and Candy hear that Thompson doesn't like the model girl they like so, they instead decide to copy a rock climber. So happy ending for all?
It's a be yourself episode with that message that is alright to change how you dress and stuff as long as it is something you want to do and it's alright to want to be yourself and not change how you look. That's a nice expansion of that kind of message where it fills in nuisances of it. The advice by Tino's Mom to just make sure Lor is eating right and not doing anything to harm herself was a good touch and again the idea of expression as long as it doesn't do anything harmful was well crafted. It was a really good episode I give it 9.5/10
More after the Jump
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Weekendering : The Weekenders: Season 1: Sitters/Band
The Weekenders Disney
Previously : Episode 4
Our journey continues with Episode 5's pair of segments.
Episode 5A: Sitters
We have so far seen glimpses of the different characters' families like Tino and his Mom, who is divorced, Tish and her parents, Lor and her multiple brothers with a guest appearance by her Grandma, and Carver's glimpse mostly with his parents. In this episode we meet another family member from Carver's family, his brother.
With Carver's family we also see that he is the middle child, with an older sister named Penny and his younger brother Todd. His parents say he has to watch Todd that weekend during the day while they are at a seminar. Carver begs his friends to help him and his plan is divide the work by the 4 of them with 3 hours each. (The Parents will be gone from 8am to 8pm on both days)
The parents say Todd shouldn't have any sugar and guess what Todd ends up eating from a bowl when Carver was distracted on the phone? (Butter?) So, that means that Todd has gone wild. There's also this running gag for this episode where an announcer talks over the characters trying to pull a giant Todd up a mountain to the goal of Sunday Night.
Tish reads a story to Todd that she says is for children that story being "Oedipus Rex". (Uhh Tish, there's something you should... oh forget it) Todd doesn't seem to like Tish's stuff at all and poor Tish. Tino does the job next and well that's go well. Lor makes the record 0-4.
Carver has a dream that Todd ate his friends and that leads us into Sunday. Tish's Mom offers her wisdom of saying they all work together. They spend Sunday to working together. The parents make it early as well so that's convenient.
A fine episode, It does have it's message kind of obvious that if they work together they could take care of Todd easier. That doesn't detract from the episode though, it was interesting to see what Todd was doing and to see how the different characters tried to handle him. Tino's Mom wisdom comes into play fairly easily. I give this one 8.5/10.
More after the Jump
Previously : Episode 4
Our journey continues with Episode 5's pair of segments.
Episode 5A: Sitters
We have so far seen glimpses of the different characters' families like Tino and his Mom, who is divorced, Tish and her parents, Lor and her multiple brothers with a guest appearance by her Grandma, and Carver's glimpse mostly with his parents. In this episode we meet another family member from Carver's family, his brother.
With Carver's family we also see that he is the middle child, with an older sister named Penny and his younger brother Todd. His parents say he has to watch Todd that weekend during the day while they are at a seminar. Carver begs his friends to help him and his plan is divide the work by the 4 of them with 3 hours each. (The Parents will be gone from 8am to 8pm on both days)
The parents say Todd shouldn't have any sugar and guess what Todd ends up eating from a bowl when Carver was distracted on the phone? (Butter?) So, that means that Todd has gone wild. There's also this running gag for this episode where an announcer talks over the characters trying to pull a giant Todd up a mountain to the goal of Sunday Night.
Tish reads a story to Todd that she says is for children that story being "Oedipus Rex". (Uhh Tish, there's something you should... oh forget it) Todd doesn't seem to like Tish's stuff at all and poor Tish. Tino does the job next and well that's go well. Lor makes the record 0-4.
Carver has a dream that Todd ate his friends and that leads us into Sunday. Tish's Mom offers her wisdom of saying they all work together. They spend Sunday to working together. The parents make it early as well so that's convenient.
A fine episode, It does have it's message kind of obvious that if they work together they could take care of Todd easier. That doesn't detract from the episode though, it was interesting to see what Todd was doing and to see how the different characters tried to handle him. Tino's Mom wisdom comes into play fairly easily. I give this one 8.5/10.
More after the Jump
Thursday, June 13, 2019
CBS Fall 2019 season Premiere Dates announced
CBS TVLookFall2019 Primetime
CBS has released their fall premiere dates from their 2019 fall line up.
The week of September 23rd is a big one for CBS all five of it's new shows will be making their starts that week. Along with the majority of their line up.
Here's the dates all times ET unless, otherwise denoted
Monday, September 23rd
8PM The Neighborhood (2nd Season Premiere)
8:30pm Bob Hearts Abishola (series Premiere)
9PM All Rise (Series Premiere)
10PM Bull (Season Premiere)
Tuesday, September 24th
8PM NCIS (Season Premiere)
9PM FBI (season premiere)
10PM NCIS :New Oreleans (season premiere)
Wednesday, September 25th
8pm Survivor (90 Minute season premiere)
9:30pm Big Brother (Live Season Finale)
Thursday , September 26th
8PM Young Sheldon (Season Premiere)
8:30PM The Unicorn (Series Premiere)
9PM Mom (Season Premiere)
9:30pm Carol's Second Act (Series Premiere)
10PM EVIL (Series Premiere)
Friday, September 27th
8PM Hawaii FIVE-O (Season Premiere )
9PM Magnum P.I (Season Premiere)
10PM Blue Bloods (Season Premiere)
Saturday ,September 28th
8-10PM Crime Time Saturday
10PM 48 Hours (Season Premiere)
Sunday, September 29th (Times may start later due to NFL Football)
7:30PM 60 Minutes (Season Premiere)
8:30PM God Friended Me (Season Premiere)
9:30PM NCIS: Los Angeles (Season Premiere)
Wednesday, October 2nd
8PM Survivor (Time Period Premiere)
9PM SEAL Team (Season Premiere)
10PM S.W.A.T (Season Premiere)
Sunday, October 6th
7PM 60 Minutes (Regular Time Period)
8PM God Friended Me (Regular Time Period)
9PM NCIS: Los Angeles (Regular Time Period)
10PM Madam Secretary (Season Premiere)
Press Release After the Jump
CBS has released their fall premiere dates from their 2019 fall line up.
The week of September 23rd is a big one for CBS all five of it's new shows will be making their starts that week. Along with the majority of their line up.
Here's the dates all times ET unless, otherwise denoted
Monday, September 23rd
8PM The Neighborhood (2nd Season Premiere)
8:30pm Bob Hearts Abishola (series Premiere)
9PM All Rise (Series Premiere)
10PM Bull (Season Premiere)
Tuesday, September 24th
8PM NCIS (Season Premiere)
9PM FBI (season premiere)
10PM NCIS :New Oreleans (season premiere)
Wednesday, September 25th
8pm Survivor (90 Minute season premiere)
9:30pm Big Brother (Live Season Finale)
Thursday , September 26th
8PM Young Sheldon (Season Premiere)
8:30PM The Unicorn (Series Premiere)
9PM Mom (Season Premiere)
9:30pm Carol's Second Act (Series Premiere)
10PM EVIL (Series Premiere)
Friday, September 27th
8PM Hawaii FIVE-O (Season Premiere )
9PM Magnum P.I (Season Premiere)
10PM Blue Bloods (Season Premiere)
Saturday ,September 28th
8-10PM Crime Time Saturday
10PM 48 Hours (Season Premiere)
Sunday, September 29th (Times may start later due to NFL Football)
7:30PM 60 Minutes (Season Premiere)
8:30PM God Friended Me (Season Premiere)
9:30PM NCIS: Los Angeles (Season Premiere)
Wednesday, October 2nd
8PM Survivor (Time Period Premiere)
9PM SEAL Team (Season Premiere)
10PM S.W.A.T (Season Premiere)
Sunday, October 6th
7PM 60 Minutes (Regular Time Period)
8PM God Friended Me (Regular Time Period)
9PM NCIS: Los Angeles (Regular Time Period)
10PM Madam Secretary (Season Premiere)
Press Release After the Jump
Sunday, June 09, 2019
Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 1: Home @Work To Be or Not To Be
The Weekenders Disney
Our Journey through the "The Weekenders" season 1 continues with episode 4's pair of segments. [ If you want to read Episode 3 Click Here]
Episode 4a : Home@Work
The Gang has plans for the weekend as normal but Lor has a problem if she fails her history test on Monday then her father will send her to military school. (harsh) The friends want to get out of it but, guess what they will be doing? (Going to jail?) So they ditch her but of they do end up help her and actually it falls on Tino to help her. Meanwhile, Tish and Carver try to make tempoary friends because that makes sense.
Lor gets distracted by playing a video game and Tino thinks that she gets bored by things and that's why she doesn't want to study. Tish decides to cut and help Lor as well. Carver feels bad for not helping Lor in her time of need and goes to Tino's house with a video game for Lor to learn about the Civil War. They even add a little thing to show that Lor did well on her test.
It's an alright episode I do like Tino and later Tish's attempts to help Lor with studying and it was nice that Carver did come in the end to help her after the people he joined to be their temp. friend made him feel bad indirectly. I like that he came with the idea to help Lor with the video game as well. I give this one a 7/10.
More after the Jump
Our Journey through the "The Weekenders" season 1 continues with episode 4's pair of segments. [ If you want to read Episode 3 Click Here]
Episode 4a : Home@Work
The Gang has plans for the weekend as normal but Lor has a problem if she fails her history test on Monday then her father will send her to military school. (harsh) The friends want to get out of it but, guess what they will be doing? (Going to jail?) So they ditch her but of they do end up help her and actually it falls on Tino to help her. Meanwhile, Tish and Carver try to make tempoary friends because that makes sense.
Lor gets distracted by playing a video game and Tino thinks that she gets bored by things and that's why she doesn't want to study. Tish decides to cut and help Lor as well. Carver feels bad for not helping Lor in her time of need and goes to Tino's house with a video game for Lor to learn about the Civil War. They even add a little thing to show that Lor did well on her test.
It's an alright episode I do like Tino and later Tish's attempts to help Lor with studying and it was nice that Carver did come in the end to help her after the people he joined to be their temp. friend made him feel bad indirectly. I like that he came with the idea to help Lor with the video game as well. I give this one a 7/10.
More after the Jump
Saturday, June 08, 2019
Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 1: The Perfect Weekend/ Throwing Carver
The Weekenders Disney
Episode 3a : The Perfect Weekend
I've seen something that fits this from "Hey Arnold" where Arnold does a list for the prefect Saturday but it doesn't seem to fall into place and he learns that a day doesn't have to follow some list to be perfect. I wonder if this episode will be like that.
Tino has planned a perfect weekend for him and his friends. First of, we see more of Lor's mutiple brothers and her grandmother has shown up and Lor can't spend time for the perfect weekend with Tino. They go to Carver's house and now Carver has to do something for his parents since they have to go away. It's Tish and Tino to be together that was until Tish finds out about a contest and she enters so it's just Tino.
He tries to see if his friends could maybe do something on Saturday. So, he visits Lor who with her grandmother and trying to fix a lawnmower. Meanwhile, Carver is having a pretty good time volunteering after all. Tish is still practicing. His mother tells him he needs to be flexible but takes that to mean that he could just do his plans by himself. This episode also add something else you'll see in this series : the museum serving random food. Tino tries but it seems nothing is going as well he wanted it to at all. Tino decides to go Tish's contest to watch her play the dulcimer. His friends seemed to have a good weekend.
Tino states the lesson at the end with how it is good to have a plan but sometimes you do have to be flexible and who knows how much fun you might have. It shows like with Carver's thing where he thought it was going to be some boring thing but ended up some great fun. It was kind of quick how Tino learned the moral just by getting a Sunday newspaper tossed him with the convenient headline to make him go to Tish's contest and inviting the others to see it too but, fine. A good episode : 8/10.
More after the jump
Previously, on Joshuaonline : We started our look at the Disney animated TV series, "The Weekenders" now we move on to another pair with episode 3.
Episode 3a : The Perfect Weekend
I've seen something that fits this from "Hey Arnold" where Arnold does a list for the prefect Saturday but it doesn't seem to fall into place and he learns that a day doesn't have to follow some list to be perfect. I wonder if this episode will be like that.
Tino has planned a perfect weekend for him and his friends. First of, we see more of Lor's mutiple brothers and her grandmother has shown up and Lor can't spend time for the perfect weekend with Tino. They go to Carver's house and now Carver has to do something for his parents since they have to go away. It's Tish and Tino to be together that was until Tish finds out about a contest and she enters so it's just Tino.
He tries to see if his friends could maybe do something on Saturday. So, he visits Lor who with her grandmother and trying to fix a lawnmower. Meanwhile, Carver is having a pretty good time volunteering after all. Tish is still practicing. His mother tells him he needs to be flexible but takes that to mean that he could just do his plans by himself. This episode also add something else you'll see in this series : the museum serving random food. Tino tries but it seems nothing is going as well he wanted it to at all. Tino decides to go Tish's contest to watch her play the dulcimer. His friends seemed to have a good weekend.
Tino states the lesson at the end with how it is good to have a plan but sometimes you do have to be flexible and who knows how much fun you might have. It shows like with Carver's thing where he thought it was going to be some boring thing but ended up some great fun. It was kind of quick how Tino learned the moral just by getting a Sunday newspaper tossed him with the convenient headline to make him go to Tish's contest and inviting the others to see it too but, fine. A good episode : 8/10.
More after the jump
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
The Flashback: Dr. Seuss' look : The Butter Battle Book the TV special.
The Flashback
What is something that this blog hasn't really done in something? Yes, Dr. Seuss! Guess it's time to rectify that. (That and the title of the post gives it away) This time we look at special based off the good doctor's 1984 book of the same name ,"The Butter Battle Book". I'll get to what the book and the special are about soon, but keep the Cold War in the back of your mind there. In 1989, TNT (Turner Network TV) aired this special. November 13th ,1989, also something else important coming up, also later. This special was animated by Ralph Bakshi (yes that one) the narrator is Charles Durning. This was the last special with any Seuss media made while he was still alive. (He died in 1991)
Let's get started. The special starts with showing a long wide wall that seems be separating something. A child and his grandfather are standing near the wall and the grandfather explains that they are the Yooks (pronounced Yukes ) and on the other side are the Zooks (pronounced Zukes, hey that rhymes with oh) he goes on to explain the Zooks like to eat their bread with the butter side down. (What? ) Then he explains that they Yooks eat their bread with the butter side up. Infact, they go to bread buttering school. (What?) Grandfather explains that Zooks must be watched in fact, his job is watch for Zooks. Then he explains everything was going fine until a Zook named Van Itch (don't question it) disarmed Grandfather. (which seemed to have ruined his whole day)
Keep on the butter side of life./ Copyright Turner
Editor's note: I am just gonna call him Grandfather , even though it's past events in the story being told by him in present since he doesn't have any name.
So the grandfather goes to the chief Yookaroo who explains that the switch wasn't modern compared to their sling shots. So, a newer more modern weapon must be made and used. That being a "triple sling-jigger" (three slingshots put together on some poll thing). Grandfather goes back to the wall and threatens the Zooks and machine scares them away. But, the Zooks have found a new more modern weapon called, Jigger Rock Snatchem, that will catch the rocks from the sling thing and send them back.
This is why Dumbo quit/ Copyright Turner
This is why Dumbo quit/ Copyright Turner
You know the Yooks need a even even more modern weapon. This was called the "Kick-A-Poo Kid" which looks like a gun that is propped on a dog named Daniel who is a spaniel. (that was unnecessary) That works until guess what? It doesn't. The Zooks created an" Eight-Nozzled Elephant-Toted Boom Blitz" it shoots cherry stone pits. Time for a even even even more more modern weapon. They made Grandfather a general and a new weapon that's a vechile called the "Utterly Sputter". It drops blue goo. Oh yeah, the Zooks have another weapon to stymie the Yooks weapon.
Mutually assured destruction /Copyright Turner
They need something even more more even modern as a weapon. So there's a song never heard a song for a weapon being created before. This weapon is a bomb called "Bitsy Big-Boy Boomeroo",which looks like a small red ball with electrical noises coming from it. The chief tells Grandfather to drop the bomb on the Zooks while the Yooks hide underground. The Zooks also are going underground, I wonder why. It leads up to Grandfather with the grandson as he is about to drop the bomb. Van Itch has the same bomb too. The grandchild wonders who will drop the bomb first and the special zooms over the Grandfather and Van Itch standing on the wall , he says "we'll see" then it cuts to saying "The End (maybe)" or a cliff hanger.
more after the jump
Sunday, June 02, 2019
Weekendering: The Weekenders : Season 1 :Shoes of Destiny/ Sense and Sensitivity
The Weekenders Disney
Previously, on Joshuaonline : We started our look at the Disney animated TV series, "The Weekenders" now we move on to another pair with episode 2.
[If you Want to Read the Previous Post Click Here]
Episode 2a: Shoes of Destiny
Tino does his thing where talk to the audience this time about his friend, Carver, and his goals on being cool. They also show us more about the characters like how Tish is interested in Shakespeare and Tino seems to like science fiction comic books. Carver tells his friends that he is going to be standing with the cool kids in the class picture which is impressive or something. Carver wants to become C.A.R.P (Cool and Radically Popular). They also manage to thrown in a line where Tino says "Good thing you don't want to be Cool Rich And Popular". (Oh wow!)
There are two characters are called "the cool kids" who Tino explains have the ability not block out anyone who's not cool. Carver sees shoes that he thinks will make him C.A.R.P and buys them and the cool kids apparently noticed him. Tino imagines that Carver gets really cool and has him made into boots. (What?)
Tino goes to his mom for some advice and she tells him don't worry because their friendship is strong. The next day, Carver tries to dress like the cool kids and they apparently like this because well of course. Meanwhile, Tish and Lor worry that Carver won't want to be their friend anymore. Carver hangs out with the cool kids who pretty much spend their time leaning against things because that works. They also make fun of people who are beneath them, which means they can see them ruining what was said before. (Don't you start) Carver doesn't want to say anything mean about his friends so he lost his cool spot.
This episode's moral because yes each episode has one or something is that sometimes something you wish for might not be all that great. I really like that Carver at the first time he was tpld to make fun of his friends he didn't want to instead of doing it then maybe asking forgiveness later like this plot could have gone. It does show how great this group's friendship bond is with each other. It was pretty entertaining episode as well and there are some good jokes in this one. So this opne I give 7.5/10.
More after the Jump
Saturday, June 01, 2019
Weekendering: The Weekenders : Season 1 :Crush Test Dummies/ Grow up.
The Weekenders Disney
As mentioned when I talked about Disney's One Saturday Morning , and Disney' One Too on UPN there was program called "The Weekenders". "The Weekenders" is a slice of life/comedy from 2000 that ran on both the ABC and UPN blocks.
The basic premise of the show is about the weekend (Friday after school, Saturday, Sunday) adventures of four middle schoolers named Tino Tonitini, Lor McQuarrie, Carver Descartes, and Tish Katsufrakis as friends who deal with life but on the weekend.
It rain for 4 seasons with 39 episodes, and this month (June 2019) we will be looking at the entirety of season 1. And Yes, this is one of those I really like this show series of posts that I want to do for that reason.
Episode 1a :Crush Test Dummies
The main idea of this episode is misunderstandings. In this episode Lor has a crush on a boy named Thompson ( I don't know if that's his first name, last name, or some sort of Cher thing going on there) and shew wants him to notice her. Tish suggests a love poem and a make over which leads into Lor thinking about asking their friend Carver for fashion advice since he knows fashion. This causes him to overhear something out of context and thinks the Lor has a crush on him. Carver is worried because he doesn't like her like that and doesn't want everyone's friendships and weekends messed up.
One of the best characters in this series you will find is Tino's mother she is the person he ends up going to for advice in episodes. She also has this running gag where she makes the strangest foods that ever exist. Her advice is for Carver to tell Lor how he feels but Tino shoots this down because "guys don't that". He does end up passing the advice on to Carver anyway. Carver shoots it down and thinks they have to find someone else to replace Lor. (Makes sense)
Meanwhile, Tish's mother is not the best at make overs and Tish picks out the same thing she's wearing for Lor. Evenutally, Thompson talks to Lor and tells her she's a good soccer player. Tino's mom' s outburst at Carver was funny, and Tino tells Carver maybe they should talk to Lor since not having her as a friend wouldn't be a good change.
Carver starts telling Lor how he feels but, she is confused about what he is even talking about. He finds out that she's not in love with him. Tino finishes out the episode as customary in this series he starts and ends the episodes talking to us the viewers.
It's a misunderstanding episode that could have been solved by Carver doing what Tino's mom suggested in the first place. I think the comedy in the episode while sparse is fun. It's a good message for people, even males, to talk about how they feel and that it' s better for a friendship to do so.
Since this was the first episode it does feel like a first episode of a show getting it's barrings but it's not a bad one in the slightest. I also like the interactions between Tino and his mom because it feels slightly more realistic than alot of media, even at the time, did and it's really nice touch. I give it 7/10.
After the Jump more !
As mentioned when I talked about Disney's One Saturday Morning , and Disney' One Too on UPN there was program called "The Weekenders". "The Weekenders" is a slice of life/comedy from 2000 that ran on both the ABC and UPN blocks.
The basic premise of the show is about the weekend (Friday after school, Saturday, Sunday) adventures of four middle schoolers named Tino Tonitini, Lor McQuarrie, Carver Descartes, and Tish Katsufrakis as friends who deal with life but on the weekend.
It rain for 4 seasons with 39 episodes, and this month (June 2019) we will be looking at the entirety of season 1. And Yes, this is one of those I really like this show series of posts that I want to do for that reason.
Episode 1a :Crush Test Dummies
The main idea of this episode is misunderstandings. In this episode Lor has a crush on a boy named Thompson ( I don't know if that's his first name, last name, or some sort of Cher thing going on there) and shew wants him to notice her. Tish suggests a love poem and a make over which leads into Lor thinking about asking their friend Carver for fashion advice since he knows fashion. This causes him to overhear something out of context and thinks the Lor has a crush on him. Carver is worried because he doesn't like her like that and doesn't want everyone's friendships and weekends messed up.
One of the best characters in this series you will find is Tino's mother she is the person he ends up going to for advice in episodes. She also has this running gag where she makes the strangest foods that ever exist. Her advice is for Carver to tell Lor how he feels but Tino shoots this down because "guys don't that". He does end up passing the advice on to Carver anyway. Carver shoots it down and thinks they have to find someone else to replace Lor. (Makes sense)
Meanwhile, Tish's mother is not the best at make overs and Tish picks out the same thing she's wearing for Lor. Evenutally, Thompson talks to Lor and tells her she's a good soccer player. Tino's mom' s outburst at Carver was funny, and Tino tells Carver maybe they should talk to Lor since not having her as a friend wouldn't be a good change.
Carver starts telling Lor how he feels but, she is confused about what he is even talking about. He finds out that she's not in love with him. Tino finishes out the episode as customary in this series he starts and ends the episodes talking to us the viewers.
It's a misunderstanding episode that could have been solved by Carver doing what Tino's mom suggested in the first place. I think the comedy in the episode while sparse is fun. It's a good message for people, even males, to talk about how they feel and that it' s better for a friendship to do so.
Since this was the first episode it does feel like a first episode of a show getting it's barrings but it's not a bad one in the slightest. I also like the interactions between Tino and his mom because it feels slightly more realistic than alot of media, even at the time, did and it's really nice touch. I give it 7/10.
After the Jump more !
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