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Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Loud House Season 1: Left in the Dark/ Get the Message

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

     Very long preface first. The Loud has been covered on this blog in a different way where I've not been doing the episodes in episodic order I've been them using a randomizer site  and picking two 11 minute segments to talk about them that way. (Or using seasonal episodes to cover seasonal moments)

           For this period I'll be doing the episodes in order.   When I do get to an episode I've done already from "The Loud House" I'll  mark that with a link to that post then skip to the segment I've not done     

         Just in case this is an introduction post to those who don't know what the Loud House  the here's a short explanation.  The series is a ,as of this writing, a currently running Nickelodeon network animated series about an 11 year old boy named Lincoln Loud who is the middle sibling in a family with 10 other children who are all girls.  The series (mostly) follows the exploits of this boy doing his daily life   That's the very short explanation.

  Episode 1A  : Left in the Dark.

          The plot of a character wanting to watch the TV but having to share it with their other siblings is one I wasn't expecting in a series that seems to take place in a modern time where you normally wouldn't think of that as a thing as much as it still might be a thing. Either that or many modern shows don't want to do that type of plot any more.   That's not fully what this segment is about but I thought it was interesting to note that part of it was that.
            Since this is the first full episode of the series, which was originally promoted with shorts, this episode has the purpose of also introducing us to our cast of characters and with 11 of them it has to do that quickly for 11 minutes and still get on with the plot.   Lincoln wants to watch his favorite show  Arrgh! which is like those ghost hunting shows that Travel Channel used or kind of still does do , or really any of those ghost hunting show.  It's having a live finale episode.

         Something shown in the shorts carries on this episode as well, where Lincoln talks to the audiece showing that will be a main feature of the series. (as he stares in your soul.)  Lincoln  explains yes it is hard to watch a show in a family with 11 kids but he has plan for this time.  Clyde, his best friend, is introduced as well as well that kid who has a crush on Lincoln's eldest sister, Lori.  The first segment also introduces what will be a running gag in the series Lincoln doing a really long name operation and even acknowledging it's a long name.  ( Operation write a blog post about The Loud House and make a joke in the margins again when we haven't even gone past the 2:12 mark in the episode and not even know how to finish up this joke so, we just cut it off with a )

        Now Lincoln puts his plan into action. First, there are the twin sisters who are six,   we (the people) get an introduction into the characters' personality traits. Lola likes tea parties, Lana likes frogs. Luan likes to record stuff for the internet (what ever happened to that? oh yeah distracted from the episode again) Lisa likes big words and science (every series needs a young genius) , Lynn likes sports, Leni likes beauty, Luna likes music, Lori likes her phone (because teenager), Lilly is a baby.  Lucy is the spooky sister and he offers her an old TV set to watch her show on black and white TV.  (nice)

          Lincoln plugs the TV in and the power goes out.  We also find out that Luan likes to make jokes and puns.  They added the series running gag of Lucy making characters jump because they didn't know where she was and the response of sighs and moans when Luan makes a joke. Anyway, they all seem to get nervous about  the darkness and Lincoln decides to just go down an turn the lights on himself.

         Now the the power is on, Lincoln makes it first to the TV and missed his show (because some how it took them 30 minutes or an hour to turn on the lights?)  The sisters cheer him up and it's nice happy ending.

    Introducing the audience to the family and using a nice simple plot is a good start to the series. The show's aesthetic is pleasing and the animation style itself is simple yet well done. I think it was fine segment and really brings delightful experience to introducing anyone to the show. 10/10.

 More after the Jump

 Episode 1B: Get the Message 

              We get a look into Lincoln and his eldest sister, Lori's, relationship as brother and sister in this case bringing some conflict to the two as two different people would have , plus the age gap brings it up more.   Also, remind me to remove .5 pts in my total at the end, didn't need to hear Lincoln say "Twerk".

         Lincoln is playing virtual reality video game where he's running around the house chasing zombies.   Also, showing us another character trait of Lincoln, that he likes video games. He ends up in the forbidden spot, his eldest sister's room, and she doesn't like that he's in there. (It's Leni's room too but, whatever)  He sets his gaming glasses down and forgets them in the bathroom and figures out that Lori smashed them.  Lincoln , of course,  is angry about this so he decides to the rational thing and oh wait.  He uses a pre-made paper of  where he tells a sister why they are the worst one ever.  He's going to use it on Lori.  (So she'll get the message, get it)  He instead, leaves her a message  where he tells her the whole thing we don't hear it because Luna blocked it out with guitar playing.

     But there's there's a TWIST!  Lori comes to his room and gives him a new virtually reality thing and she's impressed he didn't freak out.  This brings us the plot of the episode : where Lincoln now tries to delete the message. (That would also be a good title to the episode)  Apparently, the Loud House vents are able to fit large humans in them.  Oh they faked us out, making us think he did it but didn't do it. (dang I want my minute back!)  He didn't imagine that the house's vent system was able to fit people in it though. (what?)

      This show went to anime school of excessive nose bleeding  a boy does form a girl with Clyde (anime has gone mainstream folks!)  Lori ends up with her phone after all and checks her messages and luckily she doesn't care about Lincoln's message so she deletes it  before she hears the whole thing because it was taking up precious space. (relief)

        Lincoln say that next time he'll just talk to his sisters if he has problem next time  oh, Lori finds the letter.

                  This episode had more comedy than the previous one and quite fun even enjoyed the fake out.  I do like that Lori wasn't mean in the sense that she broke his thing on purpose and chose to replace it on her own whim. It's a nice little twist to what a show like this could have done.  The Lana and Lola sub plot ,slightly, was fun to see them act as hall monitors for the house , and  Lucy we learn more about her character as she also makes dark poems.   Luna's censoring was great as well.  So, let's see I give it a 8.5/10.  Wait a minute that's right... the other thing, 8/10.

      That does it for us next time when we wonder if  human pretzel means that she twists people up then a-salts-them.....  Later Days! (Wait wrong show)

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