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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Weekendering : The Weekenders : Season 1: Party Planning/ Pudding Ball

The Weekenders  Disney

    Our Look through the first season of the Weekenders continues with a look at Disney's "The Weekenders". If you missed out Look at episode 6, Read here, now we look at episode 7.

  Episode 7A : Party Planning 

          In this episode Tino gets a party invitation and he's not happy about it , it seems.  It's a boy-girl party without a clown meaning there's dancing. Carver gets one too they both freak out because they don't know what to do at that kind of party.  Lor and Tish offer to help them since they are girls and all.

           Tish and Lor  teach the boys how to handle the party all of that Saturday and little bit of the that Sunday. Then Tino turns the tables and he and Carver teach Lor and Tish how to act around boys.  All of this might be a bad idea.  Of course, Tino's Mom tells him to be himself but she expands on that normal line by saying that not every girl will like him being himself but there will be ones that will.  (Tino's right we might a map for sentence)   The four of them decide to act normal. (yay)

         The one thing they hinted at the beginning what they called LGS (Lateral Gravity Syndrome) where the boys and girls separate at a party happens anyway.

                Almost as if all that all went through in this episode was a waste of time!  But really, the training parts were fun to watch and yes, they had Tino's Mom do the job again of being the clarity before any of them did anything stupid but that's alright.  It did have a good message , yes the simple message of be yourself  which even this show has done alot this season.   It's 7/10 from me.

     More after the Jump

    Episode 7B : Pudding Ball

                  There's an event called pudding ball where kids throw pudding at each other  because of course that makes sense. Anyway they are broken up into two teams of two with Lor and Carver, Tish and Tino together.    Now we get pudding action.    Lor and Carver seem to be a great pudding throwing team and apparently so does Tish and Tino and the next day will be a final match up to them . (Bigger Than the Superbowl!)

                 While at the Pizza shop the four of them start getting competitive and then Sunday comes.    More pudding action!  Tish suggests that she and Tino cheat and end up getting  the coach who's an official and get in trouble. When Carver and Lor try to cheat they end up getting the same coach  and now all four of them lost and  have to clean up the park. (pudding stained park)

                    Mmm pudding, not much to say about the events in the episode  since most of it is just pudding throwing.  Once the episode had the four of the break up into different teams it sealed what was going to happen with them being really competitive against each other.  I'm surprised that Tish was so competitive enough to want to cheat but there we go competition brings out strange sides to people.  It's an alright episode ,  It gets 7.5/10 from me.

  That does it for us this time, tune in next time when we find more pudding.  Later Days!

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