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Monday, September 14, 2020

The Loud House : Season 5: Episode 1: Schooled!

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

           Yes, I know , mostly moved these posts to our sister blog,but this episode is special enough to have on Joshuaonline.  (Send your complaints to us!) 

                    The Loud House ,as of this writing, has four seasons under its belt , and was renewed for a sixth season just before the premiere of the fifth. The series will be in the small club of Nickeloden's animated series to go have a sixth season, after already being in the small club of being a Nicktoon to get a fifth series, and small one of lasting more than one or two seasons. (Done blathering here) 
             The fifth season was promoted as changing the show up a little, taking the characters and moving them around. The idea was that Lori, the eldest Loud child, would go from being a High School senior and go to college. Plot lines talking about this were mentioned in episodes in the third and fourth season.  Lincoln would go from fifth grade to sixth grade in middle school. (Some middle schools in the US start at 6th grade, some start at  7th, but his starts at 6th).  I guess put Lilly in preschool because some people put kids under 4 in preschool, apparently. 
            This episode is the first episode of season 5, it's called "Schooled!"  The Loud House has done 1/2  long or actually 22 minute long episodes, (we've covered at least 3 of those) this the first time they've done 44 minutes.(Give or take a couple minutes)  That's a lot of breathing room for an episode, let's see how they that.  (Wow that intro was long!) 

           This episode's plot is focused on three things from the description: Lincoln gets a class that is different than his friends, and ends up in Canada (what?) , Lori, starting her new time in college has dorm troubles,  and Lilly and potty training.

          The episode starts with something we've not had in episodes in some long time, Lincoln talking to the audience. (I missed this. ) Lincoln has list of things to do.  He explains everything that is going on, like Lori is going to college, Lilly is potty trained now, and he's going to middle school.  Some background plots are happening as well, like Lynn being a hall monitor at school and Leni trying to figure out what to wear.  The goodbye to Lori isn't a big extended thing, it's more a quick goodbye, and she's off.

Beep Beep / Copyright Nickelodeon 

         Lincoln is optimistic, while is friends are worried about the first day.  There's even a musical number , which is unexpected. The song is called "We got this" it's a pretty good song,about how they'll fine at school and how they are a great team.  The other sing about their worries.  Of course, they won't be fine, that's how this works.  So they have this new teacher who seems cool, she's nice.  Lincoln finds out a clerical error and got the wrong class, because he forgot to turn in a form.The list from earlier coming into play.
We are here about the oh is that cake?//Copyright Nickelodeon

           He finds out that he has a different class. Meanwhile, Lilly is dropped off at preschool. (Also Lynn Sr. is over 42 years old)  The show forgets the parents have day jobs though, as they just apparently, hang around the house.   Also, Also, Lori is a college and finds a floor for a dorm, that's too quiet and wants their quiet.  Lynn helps Lincoln escorting him to his new class,which is in a trailer.  The teacher is more an unpleasant fellow, and the classroom is really hot. (The heat being hot) The parents find out the Lilly can't go to school because she's not potty trained, even though we saw her being trained earlier.  (Keep a pin in that)  Yes this episode switches between the plots like this.   Lori is having an awful time, so is Lincoln.  The episode has a nice touch of having Lincoln and Lori saying the same thing and being worried. 

                I'm calling this part one, since that was the first eleven minutes. It does a good job of setting up the plot threads and what we are expecting. Also, forgot to mention Leni's mini plot will have a little play.  It's also nice to have some Lincoln focus since the show has seemed to have lost that.

 Also, because this post is long we say, join us after the jump

              It's a new day and Lincoln is trying to figure out how to switch, and be brings up his man with a plan line, that hasn't been used in some time. The friends are worried too, because things are off without him. Leni gets on the wrong bus and rides to a preschool. This is a strange side plot.  (Lynn's side plot is mostly there, and depends on her making a weird mess with the plot)  Lincoln wants to talk to the principal.
Some kids have big growth spurts/ Copyright Nickelodeon 

           The parents are trying to each the youngest Loud why the hopefully should never have another child (besides the fact that most shows that a baby end up going messy)  Lori tries to her dorm situation by switch floors, her golf college is a little in to their theme.   Lincoln finds a way to get out of the class to talk to the principal.  Stella, Clyde, Rusty, Zach, and Liam have a bad time in gym because there's no Lincoln. I get the point they are trying to make by saying that Lincoln holds them together but they should be able to function slightly, but they are trying for laughs here.  '
Art/ Copyright Nickelodeon 

        Meanwhile, they copy their homework with the character Cheryl and made her a clone,  I mean twin sister Meryl.  Lincoln gets the principal to his father's restaurant (where is father isn't currently working, some how)  to talk to her about being able to switch classes. He tries to bribe her with food (Ok, he can switch) and talk to her with a slide show. I like the drawings they did for Lincoln's slides. This episode is going a good job at bringing some humor that hasn't been there in sometime.

           Lilly tries to make people remember Rugrats and Lori is not having a good time still.  Bobby is a good boyfriend, he even turns around to help her.  Leni is still in preschool because of course. The principal has a surprise... he's going to school in Canada, because that's how that works.  (what?)

FRANCE!/ Copyright Nickelodeon 

     This is what I call part 2.   I do think Leni's plot has something to fit in to this episode.  As so far, the characters  at least Lori and Lincoln are having a hard time with change, which is probably a theme for this episode. Leni was trying to figure out how to do an outfit without Lori, which is confusing because she is known for fashion and stuff, but plot gotta plot?  Lincoln's friends are also not dealing with the change well.. Now, Lincoln is going to Canada, which is random, but hey it's gonna make sense..maybe.

         Lincoln's friends, can't sit without him apparently.  They also brought back the mention of Dr.Lopez that hasn't happened in sometime. Lincoln's father is way too much a morning person and happy to drive his son to the ferry for Canada school.

             Yes, this episode does the Canada stereotypes like it's always cold, and maple syurp, beavers, moose and hockey.  There's a Mountie and he gets to sing a song about Canada, it's a really fun song.  I love it !  They even got a  mention  of the only baseball team, the Blue Jays, slightly.
I play for the Expos, now? /Copyright Nickelodeon 

         The background music, and coloring for Canada stuff is really nice though, this episode has a really nice animation to it's design.  Meanwhile, Lincoln's friends are weird.   The parents mention that Lisa took like an hour to potty train, so they grab her from school, since why is she there anyway?  Leni is still having fun in preschool.  The school thinks  she's a volunteer . Lori is creeped out by the caddy floor.

           I like school from Canada in this episode, it's really a creative school.  They get hockey and ice fishing.  The students seem to nice and accommodating to Lincoln.  The reason doesn't like it is more that he's not with his friends and some things are a little hard to adjust to for him.
Welcome to Canada/Copyright Nickelodeon 

        Lynn's plot gets more annoying.  Anyway, Lisa makes a robot, that's her answer for everything, to help Lilly potty train. Some of the background sounds like they were inspired by "Rugrats". Lincoln thinks up another plan, he wants to get kicked out of Canadian school.  Yes, it's that idea but all his ideas don't work. I do like how the school let's  Lincoln show off his creativity, he should have embraced that, oh well.  (Plot gotta plot)

            Lilly kills the robot, and Lori finds another room but this breaks her. She decides to return home.  Lincoln calls his friends to come over to help him mess up a hockey game.  We also find out Lilly has been faking, meaning Lincoln wasn't lying in the start. The parents let Lilly stay since she's not ready. (Not sure why they did a 2 year old going to pre-school, but I'm not a lawyer)  Lincoln's friends go to Canada and find Lincoln. The episode even brings back the Lincoln does a long name for plans thing.

         This was part 3, kind of.  Anyway, Lilly's plot fits well too, that she is also afraid of change  and wants her status quo.  The episode is talking about change and getting used to things and adjusting to what fits. Unlike many episodes, it's not forcing it's moral to fit to the episode, it's using the episode and giving tastes of what it's saying. It's so far, a tightly written episode, like a late season 1 to most of season 2 episode, with out well it's taking things and using them for later.  The comedy in this section has been great too, the Canada song was fun. Lisa added a little fun charm to the episode too. (You would say that)

          Lincoln and friends melt the hockey rink and again, this plan fails because the principal wanted this to happen.  Lincoln decides to give up on plans, and to accept the change. He says they're just going to get use to it.  He says they'll be friends still, and will have to work each day. Lori was inspired to make it work at college. (that was sweet)  The next day, the friends show up for breakfast in Canada, but he insults syrup and gets deported from Canada. (Dang!)  Lincoln is back in Royal Woods for Middle school and they reuse the animation from the start.  Leni convinces Lilly to go to preschool and she chooses to go. Lori finds a floor, maybe she pick a different floor.  Now, Lincoln. has to stay in the trailer classroom, so they are keeping a change.  He know works with it.  Also, it funny how he asks to lower the temperature and the teacher is fine, nobody ever asked before , like what?

            Doing that as an ending was smart, they could have had Lincoln end up being in the same class as his friends, but to show he learned something they made him accept the situation and show that he and his friends can adapt to this. It's something good to show people that sometimes you have go along with something. Lori the same thing, though her ending was kind of what? Lilly the same thing.  This  episode was great!  It was entertaining, made me laugh harder than an episode of this series has done in a long time.  It brought in sometimes to love about the show in the first place. In away it was maybe telling its viewers the same thing: changes happen and work with them, the show dealt with changes behind the scenes in the past couple years,  and ideas changed. It's hard, but we work with them and try too go ahead and move forward.

          It will be interesting to see where the show goes with stories, I hope they do return to some things from the past, while the new locations and things give them some new ideas.  I am always cautious because an animated series heading into a fifth  and soon sixth season could be wary as that is a long time, we'll see. I guess, that's all we really can do.

          I give this episode a 10/10, not because it's perfect, there are things that aren't. Lynn' part started to grade after a while, while I get the idea of why Lincoln's friends seemed to be messed up without him, I do feel it was slightly out of character of them to be this lost.  It still had an enjoyable experience and reached well for many metrics I give to a Loud House episode.

           That's it for now, tune in next time, when the Loud House has to write an apology letter to Canada  or YTV won't show the show anymore.   (This is a joke , in case someone thinks it's not)


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