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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Time Warp Trio : 2105

One Shot Posts 

              Time for another One Shot Post, where we look explore something  that doesn't quite fit into our other posts  categories.  Though, in theory this could be a lookback, but oh well. I am looking at at the Discovery Kids (and NBC) series "Time Warp Trio" produced by WGBH ran from 2005-2006, and based off books of the same name . The concept of the series is about 3 boys who end up time traveling thanks to a magic book given to a boy named Joe, whose Uncle gave him the book.

         For this post, I'm looking at episode 2 which is called 2105.  (There's a good reason, if you look at the date of the post) 

              The episode starts as many of the episodes do with the three characters in danger  in some random time spot the book has randomly sent them to, mostly because Joe doesn't understand the book that much, it  happens for plot reasons, just like when the book gets lost somewhere, that's the main plot device each episode, because the book is somewhere and they have to get it back to get home.

           It is funny that title sequence gives away something before this episode, but hey, why make two theme songs?
         The episode starts in present day (2005) Sam, Joe, and Fred are at the museum with their class.Sam brought the book because Joe gave it to him because they were talking about a  magic square.  Fred is me and wonders what the next world series is going to be like  in a month. (He's a man of culture)  Because of the mistake of him pressing 2105.  The robot that was going to kill them wasn't , it was actually, an aggressive ad bot. (The future is a mess)
Where's  the book/Copyright WGBH 

             They are in the year 2105 and visiting the 2005 room where its September 17 2105 and the room has September 17 2005.  Funny enough a working computer, so that worked.   The book is missing or at least in theory, because it was hiding in plain sight. They get fired and thrown and can't get the book.  They notice three girls (who look kind of like them) looking at them, they run and a chase sequence happens.
Psst, we should get them!/ Copyright WGBH

             2105 world is kind of like ours with aggressive advertising and food costs too much. The girls show up again and they have to out run them. The girls invite them to their house. Also 2105 has music eye glasses.  The girls tell them that they wrote them a letter to meet them on September 21, 2105, because time travel is messy.  Also, in case you don't tell,  these girls are these guys great grand daughters. I do like how they each had grand daughters that look like them, each had one, and they are friends. (that's good loyalty there)

Grandparents...Great/ Copyright WGBH 

      Jodie tells them this news and how she has the book too, and the boys faint. (reasonable)   Samantha tries to take them home using a watch from great grandfather Sam, The watch isn't very stable though and leap around and make it to the year 2106 where the Red Sox are playing the Yankees for the ALCS.   They notice that Samantha is missing, then they find her, well half of her.
                                                 Lost some weight/ Copyright WGBH 

             Sam does math and says that they have to find the book or the girls will disappear .  They go back the museum to sneak into the 2005 room to get the book.  (With a fun spy sequence)  The museum woman shreds the book and makes the girls disappear. (dark)  Good thing that watch exists, and Sam uses it to rewind time again to stop her from the shredding the book.  The plan works and they make it back to present time.


                This is a fun show, with some historical stuff, though not this episode. Seeing the boys meet their grand daughters is fun and they will become part of the series as it went on.  This episode is fun episode with some interesting steaks to see how the boys have to get back or the grand daughters would be gone forever.  The 2105 is kind of interesting, how it doesn't go too far how things work ,but still has some interesting things and some things that  maybe could exist in the future.  Sam's eye-pad for example. If you can find the show, it's a good one to check out. The books are fun too, and some kids would like them, so check those out too.

  That's it for now, tune in next time, we would look for our lower halves again.

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