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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Peanuts Film Festival : Bon Voyage. Charlie Brown (And Don't come back!!)


       This time we are looking at the last Peanuts movie made when Charles Schulz was alive, and until 2015 was the last Peanuts theatrical movie.  "Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don't Come Back!!)"  (Which I 'm just going to call Bon Voyage)  came out in May of 1980.  This movie is a light Peanuts favorite of mine, probably because it was on rerunning on TV so much.  In our blogging order, this is the final Peanuts film we are looking at, this has been fun doing the Peanuts Film Festival theme of posts.  Let's get going. 

     The movie starts with a girl looking at  bag with the name S. Brown on it and writing a letter to some one named Charles. ( I wonder who that is) Meanwhile, in Charlie Brown land (what?)  at school Linus is talking to the class as if he was the teacher because that's how that works, and there are two new students named Babette and Jacques, who are exchange students.  In exchange, Charlie Brown and Linus have been chosen to go to France. 
I kind of want to see what these  French kids had to do for two weeks/ Copyright Paramount

       Charlie Brown then gets a letter, it's from the girl in the credits, in French, which is convenient  that he got a letter from France when he's going to France.  Peppermint Patty and Marcie are going to France too. (Which makes that Peppermint Patty being in Charlie Brown's class image earlier confusing since they go to different schools)   Lucy yells the title of the movie and we'll never see her again. This movie is literally 76 minutes long, which is shorter than a Hallmark Channel TV movie without ads. 

     And most of this movie that says our characters will be in France, barely gets to the France. There's an airplane ride scene where Snoopy does stuff on a plane (back when riding planes were fun) and the other characters do stuff.  They also have a meta moment of the movie being watched on the plane being a Paramount movie, which this movie is. Also Marcie knows French, which is convenient too!   She can read the letter, and the girl wants to meet Charlie Brown and welcome to stay at her home.  Which is called  , Château du Mal Voisin (House of the Bad Neighbor).  (Which means State Farm isn't there)    The girl's name is  Violette Honfleur.  
uhh Copyright Paramount / Paramount 

     This is movie is a movie that has time for stuff, which you can maybe forgive because it's Peanuts and you are here to see Peanuts, but if you wanted the plot to kick off, it's a long ride.  Linus knows Scottish geography  and they  are going to London. Yes, London. Which is not in France. (wow )  This movie feels like it's structured like the comic strip, where events happen with an arc through taking it's time to set it up then get to the meat. Some part of me wonders if this was an idea for a special but was given a theater run instead.  I don't want to be too hard on it, it's just something to note.
My life has been enriched , I'm Charlie Brown/ Copyright Paramount 

more after the jump 
     Snoopy plays tennis at Wimbledon  because he's apparently a member. (That was weird)  Some English accent and food jokes and finally they get to a bus station to get to the train station.  This movie was made before the Chunnel (the Channel Tunnel) so they rid by hovercraft to France.(Which is  a real thing)  In this movie, Snoopy is acting as their adult proxy really, he also apparently get a rental car.  (Interesting)  
How did Snoopy get a license? / Copyright Paramount   

      Marcie and Peppermint Patty meet a boy named Pierre, who finds out that Charlie Brown and Linus are staying at the Chateau. He tells the duo that makes no sense because the Baron who owns the place doesn't like strangers. There is a nice feel to this movie though, during the England parts it has  a great use of the country side images drawn up,and the French city is well done, when they get to the  Chateau it's raining and forbidding fitting the mood of the place well.   Snoopy goes to a bar and drinks. (Rootbeer of course) 
I wonder what's the alcohol content of French Rootbeer / Copyright 

     Charlie Brown and Linus were forced to sleep outside,since no one let them in, the place.  They have to go to  French school first though.  There's a running gag in the film where Patty thinks that Pierre likes her when he's obviously crushing on Marcie. There's some more scenes and things happen. The worry of  the chateau continues too. We do get more information about it , like it was used to house World War II allied troops.  This movie has 18 minutes left.  
Great they got the angry mob/ Copyright Paramount 

      We hear the baron, we'll never see his body, taking to Viollette and he's her uncle.   He doesn't like the fact that she invited Charlie Brown over.  She's the one that's been tending to them without them knowing. At the bar, Snoopy over hears the Baron talking about how he might kill Charlie Brown, I don't  know, he sounded threating.  Linus is tired of this and wants to know more so, he  breaks an entering and goes inside the chateau. He finally meets Viollette who gets scared she explains that he must leave. Linus wants answers and he wants them now! 
Sir,I don't drink that's an awful sterotype/ Copyright Paramount 

          Viollette explains her grandmother met a man named Silas Brown, Charlie Brown's grandfather. (That must mean Viollette's parents might be a Silas Brown....what don't stop me from saying that)  Then a fire breaks out thanks to the candle.  Linus and Violette are trapped, Charlie Brown and the Baron yell fire , and finally Charlie Brown tries to do something. Seeing Linus in  a burning building is not something one would expect to see in Peanuts but there you go. 
Roasted Peanuts send your comments about this to our comment board / Copyright Paramount

      The best plan is to use his blanket get Violette and himself by jumping out and using the blanket as a trampoline.  Of course, no one dies and the chateau is saved and everyone is allowed inside.  Violette gets to explain some more stuff.  The  movie kind of just ends, it's not a bad ending, it's an ending. 
it was a love story all along/ copyright Paramount 

  Fun fact : This movie has a sequel special called "What Have We Learned Charlie Brown"   

       This is fun movie, more for the experience rather than actual plot , the movie's plot of being in France and Viollette only takes up a small bit of the movie. This movie is more for the ride seeing Peanuts characters in the Uk and France for bit.  It's good  movie, even though I do mention it's a very "they have time for this" movie. It's a fun thing to watch with Peanuts characters.  There are comedic moments as well, and nothing feels like it's dragging on too long. This movie  is 76 minutes long, so they aren't stretching out too much and it's   a breezy ride.   Anyway, that's it for now,  tune in next time when we go to France for some reason.

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