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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Short Lived Series: Mr. and Mrs. Smith (1996)

The Lookback  

           Finally back to one of our favorite topics, random obscure shows that didn't last long.  This time, we are looking at "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"  from 1996.  That's right there's a series called "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"  that first aired on CBS on September 20, 1996 and ran for the long time of just over a month.  It has 13 episodes.    I don't think this series is based off the 1941 movie "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" about a married  couple who find out that their marriage is not valid and comedy ensues.  I also don't think it's based off the  2005 film with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, that would be hard to do. 

       This series is about two spies, Mr. Smith only known as Mr. Smith is played by Scott Bakula. (Meaning this is where Sam Quantum Leaped) . and Mrs. Smith is played by Maria Bello.  So now, you may be wondering what this series about?  

     Well why should I tell you when the theme song (that I think is awesome) can tell you better. 

          For those that don't to watch the theme song (why not?)  The plot of the series is that Mr. Smith is a spy and so is Mrs. Smith. (AWW, so they means they are happy married couple who...)  But the twist is they aren't married. (Ohhhh)  But maybe that would been the end game if this show wasn't pulled after 8 weeks. (oh well) (or should I say Oh Boy) 

               In the first episode, Mr. Smith (either that we make a Quantum Leap reference again) is doing spy stuff while pretending to be a custodian when he sees a woman who pretends to be a secretary. They both have guns pointed at each other, so that's how you do work.  When a security guy comes and checks on them. She asks Mr. Smith to take down his pants and underwear to pretend they are having sex to make sure the guard won't ask any awkward questions. (What the heck?) (It's network so it's tame and nothing really.) 

I've come to empty the wastebasket /Copyright Warner Bros.

Not till I'm done filing!/ Copyright Warner Bros.

           Meanwhile back at headquarters known as "The Factory".  His mission for this episode is to look for two missing physicists who have made a discovery on cold fusion. Mr. Smith wonders who that random woman was and so he and his partner go and start spying on her. (As one does)   
This Scooby doo remake is weird . Copyright Warner Bros. 

    I'm just going to call her Mrs. Smith now, because it's easier, starts spying on Mr. Smith as well. and finds their mystery spying van.  This series has some cheesy lines and slightly funny jokes in it. They are looking for a man named Stanley Duke. Mr. Smith's hunch that he might show up to the museum  for the fundraiser was right.  There's a chase with Mr.Smith on a skateboard attached to a bus and Mrs. Smith on motocross bike. The eventually join each other and follow that bus. Even though, it looks like they are working well, they have to write in a break up because plot reasons. 
Why do you need a bus? You have a bike?/Copyright Warner 

            We also find out that Mrs. Smith is an assassin. They meet again as Mr. and Mrs. Brown on a train. They through out their guns from the window. (That's weird) This show is really trying to play up some sort of will they won't they tension. I can figure that would be a big thing in this series, like  look at the premise. Mr. Smith doesn't want to believe she's an assassin. 

        Later it gets weird, Mr. and Mrs. Smith  roll around and fight each other. They get found by Mr. Duke.  The bad guy works for an oil company who wants Duke to stop that cold fusion thing because it would stop oil companies. Mrs. Smith figures out that Scooby, Mr. Smith's partner, might be inside man. (woah Scooby!)  In fact, he made up that story about her being assassin and yep.   The good news, this sets up the series because Mrs. Smith got fired from her job but now works with Mr. Smith. Wonderful! Everything is all set up. 


          The thing about this show, is it probably didn't really stick out, in 1996 TV land.  It was on Friday evenings hoping to get the adults who wouldn't be watching T.G.I.F.  and against "Dateline NBC" before that became Crime: the show.  Ironically, the slot for this show was taken by "Jag" which later spawned N.C.I.S which gave us a series with Bakula in it. 

      The 2nd episode has Mr. and Mrs. Smith actually fake being a married couple in a Suburban home.  The episode titles have a naming theme, this was the first too use it.  Called "The Suburban Episode"  Their job is to spy on a neighbor to see if he is selling top secret information.  
      This is also the first episode with the theme song, which I do think is pretty good. It's  kind sitcom like with the main stars telling you who they are and the plot of the show.  The song is song catchy.  This is a good episode to sample what the should really be like.  A mixture of how these two get along, and this missions they are placed upon.   
         I also think the acting good for this series, Bakula and Bello bring charm to the characters they are playing, I do feel like there's a little bit of Sam in the Mr. Smith character.  The show was probably more interesting than I thought it would, be it's like a "comfy" drama. It's one of those network dramas not for entire families (like with young kids) but not those really edgy shows that would come on  a tick later. (unless you were FOX)   

     Now, I was only able to find two episodes in English to watch, but it was interesting to watch.  That's it for now.  Tune in next time, when an actual spy pays us for the damage to our skateboards. 




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