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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas : Haunting Hour : A Creature was Stirring

Christmas   The Flashback 

       I did say I was going to return to "The Haunting Hour: The Series" around Christmas, at least I think I said that.  Anyway I am doing it.   (You can read my Synopsis of the show here to get caught up if you don't know what it is)  The episode  I am looking at this time is episode 3 from the very first season , and it was aired on the Hub (Now Discovery Family) on Christmas Day in 2010.

      It starts with it being Christmas , a boy named Timmy Morgan is happy that it is Christmas, everyone else in his family seem to be well not happy.  The parents have something they are planning to do (maybe it's divorce).  Timmy has gotten alot of presents  , oh and this special mentions Twitter , I think.   The family seem to be in disarray.  Timmy apparently asked Santa for something big, when he says "please Santa" a big snowstorm randomly starts and  box magically shows up that Timmy notices.  When he opens the box a creature comes out.

Guess this is the creature and it's stirring / Copyright the Hatchery 

    Meanwhile the snowstorm continues and Timmy tries to tell his parents that their is monster in the house.  It also ate Mark's pod (yeah that's not an I-pod reference at all)  The parents don't believe him because that's how plots work.  The monster destroys  more stuff.  Timmy tells his other brother , Mark, about the monster but he doesn't believe him until  it shows himself to Mark.  The little guy destroys his TV.  They go to Becky the sister, who also doesn't believe until  hey there monster.  (I guess she believes now)  They think they contained the monster , but we know there's like 12 more minutes left so of course we know it's not contained.  The parents think all 3 kids are lying and the kids find out that the parents are getting divorced.

I guess this is symbolism for messy marriages or something/ Copyright Hatchery

      I guess after seeing the monster the kids apparently have gotten along.  The parents search for the whatever in the basement and it shows up. ( I guess they believe now)   Meanwhile, the snow has gotten very high very quickly meaning they are trapped.  Like a horror  movie the phones don't work.  The whole family escapes to the attic and try to block the monster from getting them.  The monster turns on the gas stove. While the family talk about memories of camping. Timmy says they don't feel like a family anymore, and then parents say they've been having problems.
Fire +Gas = what the heck /Copyright the Hatchery 

     Timmy says that Santa didn't give him his Christmas wish after all. Then the monster lights a fire and with the gas blows up the house. He tries to get into the basement and they all work together to try and stop this thing. Their ideas is to tear a whole in the roof and have to jump into the drifts as the house explodes some more and sets on fire. (this got dark quick)  They do make it (with show anything could have happened.)  They notice all the snow is gone as the house is burning down and the notice that all their stuff is gone now. Timmy then says  it's the best Christmas ever.  (Merry  Christmas!)
at least we have our dignity/ Copyright The Hatchery 

 Spoliery Spoiler

     Then we get the ending with Santa in a limo as he calls the monster back to him and he throws out a letter that Timmy wrote saying " Dear Santa,  Please make us a family again"

Traded those reindeer in for a sweet ride . ho ho ho / Copyright The Hatchery 

Be  Good or I'll blow up your house, ho ho ho /Copyright The Hatchery 


more after the jump 

          The last episode I reviewed was from a different season and kind of dark, but the show from the start was dark and messy.   So the family's problems are showed at the beginning , the parents start with the hints of divorce and  the teenagers are teenagers?   Timmy asks Santa for a gift  doesn't say what it is , just hopes that Santa got it for him , he is the only character  shown from a more positive light.  Mark is this gadget loving kid, and apparently gets mean when you give him a not I-pod when he wanted a not I-pad. Becky gets mad at her mother because she got her a dress because "it looks like her mother bought it". (huh?)  The parents do seem to squabble but not too over the top or yelling ,possibly because they were trying to fake it for Christmas. 

       The snowstorm randomly shows up, and they could have gone anywhere with that as a plot line like the family gets together and finds a value in each other after being trapped. That's too  obvious though.  So the snow is there to keep them trapped in the house while the monster is there to start his mission.  The parents not believing  at first  was  standard because "young child believes there's monsters".   Though quickly everyone else in the house does know there is a monster.  

       Spoiler part again

 .          So Santa sent a monster to destory their house to get them be a family again?  Also read this as Santa in their universe has the ultimate powers to send snow storms , make them go away,and send monsters.  It does seem to be an over the top plan.  If you look at the episode before the Santa reveal , there are some clues that this was Santa's doing in some way. There was no sequel to this episode so we don't know what heppened next ,also how do you explain this to the firefighters, cops,insurance company?

     Spoiler over.

     What do I think?  It was an OK episode, the acting was kind of stiff really but it is an inventive story.   From the start you kind of expect it to go one way but this episode really kept it up with the twists and turns.   Should you watch it for Christmas?  Yeah sure if you like a more twisted Christmas story yes.

 Tune in next time when we wonder what 's growling in that box?  Will I do more ? maybe.


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