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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas: The Magic Hockey Skates

Joshuaonline CA 


           This time we are looking at the 2012 Christmas special called "The Magic Hockey Skates"   It , so far airs yearly on the CBC.  It has also aired in the UK , Ireland, and the US.  So let's talk about this Christmas special that involves hockey, because Canada.  (A Curling special would have also applied.)

        It starts with hockey, to be honest, that's how it should start. No magic hockey skates yet, but hockey. The main character is a boy named Joey "The Flea"  Mack and he's playing against larger hockey players.   There's another hockey player named Rocky St. Jean.  They are apparently, the only two hockey players on the team; because that's fair.  Then Joey stumbles and the other team wins the Stanley Cup (TM?) . It was a dream, I was confused there.
Would be a strange hockey game 

          Joey is awakened by his mother and he is glad that it snowed! (Glad some one is)  He's happy because he likes outdoor hockey, even though his brother, Zach, says he' s not a good skater.  Joey wants skates by the hockey player mentioned above, Rocky St. Jean.  Zach wants a new hockey mask and they both cost lots of money.  The shopkeeper, who looks like Santa, and I am thinking that is on purpose because he looks like Santa and this is a Christmas special, and hockey skates. (Keep it along) oh yeah, sorry,  storekeeper guy says they good second-hand skates. (insert quip about second foot skates, laugh here)
He totally is Santa Claus 

           Oh his name is Nick, oh come on!  The skates that totally that is Santa offers are 90% off. (of what?)   So, they get those skates.  Totally is Santa tells Joey that they are magic hockey skates (roll those credits)  and that he has 3 wishes; all he has to do is believe.  There's also a dog in this special, and he's good boy.   Joey works to learn how to skate on ice. (or Ice-skating as I like to call it)  People make fun of him falling down because falling is funny(?)  Joey makes a wish that he was a better skater and apparently, witchcraft is real! (or magic) 

Maybe the wish works 

more after the jump

             There's a montage of stuff of Christmas and hockey learning going on at the same time!   Joey makes a second wish he can play hockey like the big kids. He might mean that literally.  He tells brother that the skates are magic.  I'm not sure he believes it but, he does say make that third wish count. (good advice that is)  Rocky St. Jean is going to be at  Zack's hockey game. (whoa!)

         The larger boy named Crunch , (Real named Sheldon) injures Zach because he's a jerk. Joey offers to use his last wish to help Zach but forcing the skates on to Zach is not a good idea. Joey poses as  Zach and apparently no one can tell even though they made a point of saying he's short and stuff.  Alright then.

  I'm paid to coach not tell the difference 

           Joey wins the game!  Joey lets Zack meet  Rocky.  Zach does arrange it for Joey to be able to meet Joey.  Also, guess what  Joey has Rocky's old skates.    Anyway, Joey gets the skates for Christmas and  oh, yeah totally Santa doesn't work at the store.   He gives he skates to  this girl that's been in the special and the end!

          While it is a simple special, the animation isn't amazing or game changing, and it's a basic story it is a sweet and enduring special.  A lot of times in media the older brother would be the antagonist but not in this special and that's a nice change of pace. As a big hockey fan, I do like seeing hockey portrayed in a Christmas special.

    The special is great family treat and is an enjoyable and charismatic experience through out.


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