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Friday, February 07, 2025

Arthur: Season 1: Episode 1: Arthur's Eyes/ Francine's Bad Hair Day

Arthur PBS 

Episode 1a: Arthur's Eyes 

            Before I start the episode, yes, this is the very first episode, of Arthur and no, I've not done it before, which is probably in style of this blog.  I also try to not dip into season 1 a lot, because it does have the most episodes but I don't want to drain them out quickly for reasons.  The very first episode of Arthur aired on PBS stations on October 7, 1996. The very first episode here is actually one based off one of the books that the series based on.  Not every episode of "Arthur" is based off a book, because "Arthur" doesn't have 200 books.   I will tell you that they did make chapter books that are based off episodes, so this is confusing. 

            "Arthur's Eyes" was the 2nd "Arthur" book from the year 1979.  The very early days of  Arthur and his friends and family and possible enemies.   

The original book cover 

        The very first book was "Arthur's Nose" which never was an episode and also not about Arthur getting his nose hit by a football. (Arthur Arthur Arthur)  It's about Arthur not liking his nose and wants to change it. The original book is where looks more aardvark than he eventually would be well known as looking like.  In fact, that cover above there already shows some design changes were made from book 1 to book 2.   I can also see why "Arthur's Nose" wasn't made into an episode or especially the first episode. Ironically, this means Arthur did have nose work done.   

They eventually changed the cover to match the TV Arthur 

         The third book wasn't called "Arthur Ears" I think we were robbed of just going to different body parts.  Anyway, the first episode is here to also explain why Arthur wears glasses, to give the origin story of his power.  In modern context (depending on when you are reading this), glasses episodes don't seem to happen as much in children's media. Either because people have accepted them more because being able to see is good, maybe media thinks that having kids be shown that making fun of people wearing glasses actually causes people to um think that glasses might be a thing to make fun of someone for?  Or that more kids have to wear glasses now because I blame *looks around* not enough playing in dirt.  People blame phones, I can blame not playing in dirt. 

                Also from a context, it was rarer to have a main character wearing glasses. Arthur, himself, isn't even a nerd/geeky stereotype, he's pretty much an average kid, but he doesn't not take his academics seriously to a point, but the super smart character in the show doesn't even wear glasses, so therefore. Arthur was doing something amazing. That and Chuckie from the Rugrats?  

             The cold open: Sorry, rambled alot there.  D.W , who should be in bed,  has decided to snoop around the house, wake up Arthur and tells him to come with her to find out their long lost brother.  She apparently has never seen Arthur without his glasses on and apparently couldn't tell the little boy in the pictures is him, just younger.  This also means the episode will be a flashback. 

        The Episode:   It takes place  2 years earlier, not that it matters because their clothes aren't different and since this is episode 1 , a new viewer wouldn't know what's different, except they will see a younger D.W.  Also, Sue Ellen is in this episode- even though she would later be introduced as a new kid. Arthur fails a math test because he couldn't see the board very well, Arthur fails in basketball because he can't see very well, and he fails at an eye test because he can't see very well. Wait a minute. 

            Arthur has to go the eye doctor. I like how the doctor's name is Dr. Iris. Arthur finds out he needs glasses to see. I'm glad at how quick this goes. Arthur has to pick frames like we don't know which ones he's going to pick. Eventually, Arthur gets the glasses. That's when it gets to the plot where Francine decides to say that Arthur looks weird (which is bold for this show and characters looks)and calls him 4-eyes. (She's lucky there's no 4 eyed animal people.) Buster is a true friend and says layoff because some people need glasses to see, only to ruin that later. I do like the bully Binky is like the only one not bullying him because he can't tell he got glasses. 

                Arthur decides to try and lose the glasses but, the forces of plot don't let him. He decides to not wear them at school, instead. Then he goes "There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom" by accident.  Thankfully, Arthur gets confidence. How?  By watching TV.  He's watching a special on TV about how "Bionic Bunny" show is made. The actor, Wilbur Rabbit, who plays the bunny hero wears glasses. That gives him confidence and he doesn't even care what Francine says.  So now Arthur is happy and the world is better now.  Even Francine makes fake glasses to fit in.  Then it goes back to the present and now D.W has to learn about the concept of shaving.  Also, seeing Arthur's Dad with a beard , sure, but he also has hair, so they keep Arthur bald? 

        I do hope the fact we don't get glasses episodes anymore is a good thing like with progress has been made that kids aren't mean to kids because they ...need to see things... that or some third reason. As an episode for an episode start, you do get a lot of the early characterization. It probably helps that were books already to lead from.  You get a sense that Arthur is an average kid, Francie is gruff, Buster is friendly, but a jokester and he did feel bad after making fun Arthur, and Binky is a little lost.  You get the young innocence of D.W. (D.W haters are going to show up) 

Episode 1b: Francine's Bad Hair  Day

         This isn't an episode about Francie going bald.  That'd be a bad hair day too, also it's not about a body part, I'm sad. 

        The Cold Open:  I also mention it must wild to see the teacher in the first episode segment then in this one it's Mr. Ratburn.   Anyway, school picture day is coming up. Also Sue Ellen is there somehow.  Arthur gives tips about how picture day can go wrong. That's it.

        The Episode:  Francine and the others are playing kickball, which is like baseball, but with less legal problems.  Muffy and the other girls are talking about what they are going to wear for picture day. (clothes)  I think this episode shows a double side nuance to Francie where yeah she is a tomboy, but also won't shun 'girly' things where Muffy saying she could be beautiful does get her attention.  

            Muffy decides to help Francine with her clothing and hair for the picture day.  Also, the beauty shop apparently has better computer tech then we have now I think. I'm wondering how Francine would think they could make her hair longer.  The fantasy she has is funny in how she's being glamours with long hair and still playing kick ball.  Great expression of her character. Also I think the hair would be banned, she'd have to cut it or something because some part of that is cheating. 

            Expectations vs. reality: reality won.  Also, Muffy is a cheap friend, she has Francine go the fancy place, kind of against her will, yet Francine still has to pay? Cheap.  Muffy makes up rules to protect her curls and she can't play kickball. I'm not sure how the secret weapon of the last year's school photo like it's some shameful picture that hasn't been seen by anyone? I don't know what the motivation is here. 

          The boys don't understand her hairstyle change, probably because boys in this world are bald. Makes one think.  The true moral of this episode is  having looks is a pain. Francine decides to play after all, because yeah!  Also this episode seems to be doing some light Arthur +Francine shipping, according to the shippers.  

         Simple and effective episode. This one is kind of like the first one, where this one is about being yourself and not let others force you into being something you don't feel comfortable with. Though, I do think this episode isn't good at showing how these two are even friends,  good thing there's more episodes but not the best friendship episode start.   I think it was good at showing Francine's character and not just her being rough like the last one. There's a good mixture in there with her.   

        That's it for now, tune in next time, when we talk about Buster's hands. 



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