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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Arthur: Season 18: Episode 1: The Tattletale Frog/ D.W and Bud's Higher Purpose

Arthur   PBS

         We dip into season 18 which first came out in 2014. That means time is a scary thing.  I start with the very first episode pairs from this season which aired in October of that year. 

Episode 1a: The Tattletale Frog 

    The Cold Opening: Help! I think Arthur is being held hostage, he's looking right into our souls and says  "D.W. is perfect, she never does anything wrong." I'm scared whoever has Arthur please let him go, how much do you want? Then it cuts to D.W doing something wrong and her Dad asking her who ate the chocolate eclairs, D.W denies it and says Pal did, and the parents laugh because her face is covered in chocolate.  Arthur then compares D.W to George Washington.  DW never gets blamed for anything, except this one time.  I'm concerned and scared, please help Arthur. 

        The Episode:  D.W and Bud are bored and their busy father suggests they play a game.  They do, they play games. The thing to notice is that Bud keeps winning the games and D.W's face is giving me the sense that she is not happy about this. She makes up a game called throw the hat and throws Bud's hat.  I will note that it is interesting (hello readers from the season 1 premiere episode post) that Bud is seemingly the only "Arthur" male kid with hair.  Make one think. Anyway, throw the hat, Bud throws his hat next and it goes around. Then D.W ends up throwing it again and kills a mechanical frog and says to Bud "Look what you made me Do". I'd like to think that Taylor Swift was watching this episode when she thought up the title to her 2017 song of the same name. Not really, I don't really think that. 

            Bud, wanting to do the right thing, thinks they should tell her PA,  D.W imagines that her PA will just say "You're in Trouble." I  think the slightest things scare her. Instead, she decides to hide it so he won't think it was broken.  That's not the best plan, now is it? Is it? No!? Anyway, Bud wants his hat back, but guess where his hat is?  (You don't have to guess)  Well it's way up there and they aren't way up there. Uh-oh.  Bud wants D.W to ask her PA if he can reach it down. [Yeah, I'm using Bud's terms , because I can] D.W takes a bold approach to make  sure her father won't be mad about the frog, by destroying the other stuff in the room too! 

                Bud plays a role of both saying the right things, but also still kind of helping in the mess. This whole episode is pretty much a comedy errors and a sense of mess getting worse as again she tried to hide a frog she broke, and ended up causing damage to more stuff, drops a fan out the window, and breaks a priceless vase. Your afternoons have nothing on this.  Mr. Read finds a fan, shoe and then follows the trail of destruction.  He doesn't know about the room yet and gets a beep because he has go do that thing he does.  D.W thinks she's safe, but the umpire says nope, because Mom shows up. Thanks to D.W's idea of telling her mom there's no reason for he to go upstairs, she sees the room. 

            Her mom either knows that D.W did this but decides to mess with her when she finds Bud's hat on the shelf or she really thinks Bud did this.  Nadine, D.W's imaginary friend, plays the conscious part of D.W's mind making her feel guilty for her not speaking up for Bud in being accused.  When  Bud's mom is calling- probably about the hat- D.W finally breaks down and decides to tell her Mom.  

            D.W is still grounded, they don't use the word, but ... yeah. Bud seems to understand that she almost framed him.  

             This episode is kind of funny in how it just escalates D.W's problem by how much of a mess she gets into.  It's even funnier because her father wasn't too bothered about the old frog thing she broke in the first place, so she probably would have been told to be more careful and not throw things in the house, but everything else is messier because she decided to hide stuff. Bud is fun in this episode, he was right.   It's not a bad episode, very simple, but not bad.  

More after the jump

Episode 1b: D.W and Bud's Higher Purpose 

             That's a title there. 

         The cold opening:  Arthur, you remember Arthur right? Talks about D.W has done some looney schemes, like the time she sold tissues to make money. Or tried to.  She pretended to be French to go to France. That doesn't work.  

     The Episode: There's  a new ride called the Buzzard. This one has Arthur and Ladonna along with their siblings so that's different. Bud and D.W swear to ride it despite Ladonna saying it's big and scary. Then again, they find out that they might be too short for the ride. (Couldn't Bud just un curl his ears?) Funny to see Emily here, and not really being close friends with D.W. anymore, she's just kind of background character like.  Bud seems be the replacement.  The duo try waffles and scrunchies but that doesn't work. This episode also has lore as we find out that Bud's middle name is Tucker.  Doesn't have anything to do with anything but yeah. 

            Their attempts of trying to get on the ride are kind of funny. The episode gets legal the imaginary friends discuss the legality of their pact. The new plan is distract the ticket guy and then have Bud try to bring the monkey cut out that measures people for the ride down a little.  I don't think this will work well.  Thankfully the teen that was watching the ride gets to take a break and different guy comes in and let's them on because he's given up on life or something.  They go the ride and see other kids leaving disorientated and near throwing up. They decide to can their pact and left. 

            Again, another light episode, the newer ones were, but not bad. It's entertaining and funny.  I think the cut away is funny on how they are shown to not be on the ride after all.  The episode also deciding to have David Read go Charlotte Pickles by being on the phone the whole time talking because sure, was a decision.  Kind of had the Rugrats vibe with D.W and Bud there. Shame we didn't see Arthur and Ladonna's part of the trip.  

That's it for now, tune in next time when you are tall enough to read the next post. Or cheat to read, either way.       

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