Episode 3a: D.W. , The Picky Eater
The Cold Opening: It's mostly D.W being a picky eater as she goes through the food that was brought in an judging it. She also really doesn't like spinach.
The Episode: She continues saying what foods she doesn't like.. Then they go to a restaurant and finds out that her salad is spinach and rages. Her mom used her full name. Her mom tells her no more restaurants for her until she learns something. Arthur is happy until his Grandma says she'll be find doing a home dinner for her birthday , if D.W can't go. (why?) Arthur is right. He decides he'll have to find a way for her to not be picky , at least enough to be able to go the restaurant he wants to go to.
Part of the plan is to trick her. The episode gives us a gross throw up transition wipe. So, they try Muffy to convince D.W to eat spinach. Muffy thinks that she's the biggest influence to D.W. (makes sense) A fly scares Muffy, and apparently that blows the plan. Francine decides to use taunting to do it, by using Kate , but that plan also fails.
Arthur says it's time to do plan X. (He is going to get the plumber's helper and shove it in?) Arthur pretends to be on the phone with grandma and pretending that she changed her mind. That seems to work. They go to the restaurant. D.W orders a pot pie and everyone looks at her to make sure she won't explode. It was actually spinach, but that seems to not be a problem.
This is probably one of the episodes for people to use to show. D.W is annoying. Realistically, there's a balance, some food and food textures aren't very good to some people if it's something people eat and enjoy, on the other hand, this one is more mild as it seems D.W doesn't like trying new food and isn't sure if she really likes something or not, which is also kind of fair.
I'm guessing D.W, if anything is the grandma's favorite. That's my assumption here. I do like that Arthur helped, it was for personal gain, but sometimes that's a nudge. I hate that this episode made that very cool restaurant and made that pot pie so appealing and it will never really look like that, it's unfair. It's an alright classic Arthur episode.
More after the episode.
Episode 3b: Buster and the Daredevils
The Cold Opening: Woah, this is a children's show. Also, Arthur apparently is surprised that Buster is called brave when Buster is a coward. Something is happening help.
The Episode: Arthur and Buster are playing in the park with some toys. Then they see two cool kids who are doing some cool skateboard tricks, cool like. The duo are impressed and want Toby and Slink to teach them how to do it. On PBS the cool kids wear helmets and pads, so you should too.
The boys go away and Buster and Arthur try their own stuff. We get to see them hurt themselves for a new MTV show. (Are you writing this in 2001?) The two boys make make fun of them because reasons. They follow them to the comic store. We get a Beavis and Butthead like reference in comic book form, the writers of this show knew things. Arthur and Buster pretend to be cool but this is failing. (I'm cringing)
Arthur and Buster dress up like the 90's. Too 90's. Buster then tries to be "How you do fellow, kids?" as a kid. Which is impressive. They get rejected. Then the two boys decide to a plan, an evil plan, they want them do a dare. Arthur bails out to join his mom and sister who show up, and let's Buster do the dare on his own. I'm glad it was just sing a song.
Slink and Toby are having fun with Buster they make him do more embarrassing things. They have Buster kiss Francine which was a choice. Arthur tells Buster that he shouldn't let them do this to him and Buster decides that he's going to quit this. Slink and Toby tell him they were just about to teach him some tricks.
They want Buster to do one more thing, eat a bug. Buster turns the tables and dares Slink to eat that bug and makes them fight amongst themselves. Good move.
This episode is pretty interesting. The basic idea that you shouldn't do anything because someone dares you is a very more kid message, because yeah, but one that makes sense for that audience. I like how Buster turned the tables at the end there that was great. It had some funny moments too. I'm glad the dares weren't heavily extreme. Slink and Toby were basic but still kind of interesting characters. Fun episode.
That's it for now, tune in next time , we dare you!
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