Episode 3a: Arthur Goes Crosswire
The Cold Open: Arthur talks about change and how sometimes it can be strange. Change can be an improvement and how he seemingly enjoyed D.W acting like a cat. Which is a strange thing to say. What happens if someone changes too much?
The Episode: Arthur gets paired with Muffy to do an assignment on animals. (what'd the show mean by that?) That means Arthur gets to spend time on Muffy's yacht (not listening to rock) looking for whales. He was bored, but Prunella and Jenna are impressed and want to know about Muffy's yacht and details. They think Arthur is lucky and something sparks in him because of that. Arthur is easily swayed.
They end up seeing the guy who plays Bionic Bunny on TV, his yacht had engine troubles and asks for help from Arthur and Muffy. Meeting Wilbur Rabbit makes his head even bigger. I do like the call back to the first episode where Arthur mentions that Wilbur likes Arthur's glasses. Arthur even makes TV where can barely talk. He was impressed by Muffy's large TV. Also it was on a channel that is oddly specific called Celebrities at Sea network. Which like most pay TV channels probably ended up being a channel devoted to reruns of MASH and reality shows about people other people despise.
You can tell that Arthur is becoming more like Muffy. I am also wondering does Arthur have satellite TV? Also, this came out when that would be impressive, somehow more than cable being impressive. (Fun fact: I had cable and still watched PBS because it was also on there, good we are both doing tangents) Muffy and Arthur are making a new club for Wilbur Rabbit's friends. Muffy and Arthur are over assuming things. They also commit public domain infringement? Hmm.
It is funny that Arthur and Muffy are like one step from being the same. Or more like Arthur being in Muffy's orbit too much can sway him to be more like her in some sort of way that even Francine can resist. There are times that Muffy is a force on Francine but Arthur is a lot more influenced , especially since he wants to stand out.
Arthur's lunch falls on the ground, but still in the bag, but what we really learned is that Muffy wastes food. Arthur drops a book and Arthur repeats what Muffy said earlier because the book is dirty now he won't pick it up and repeats her line of vomitrocious. ( A word that should have made into the public use and been used like how we use Simpsons words) Brain is surprised because Arthur loves books. Binky and Brain show up return the book, but Arthur thinks Binky wants an autograph and yeah.
Brain says the tile of the episode. Arthur denies Buster going to the club meeting. Brain tells everyone that Arthur has become Muffy-fied. A new plan is made to have everyone else act like Muffy to snap Arthur out of it. Muffy's friends are roasting her and somehow Muffy only sees it as acting like Arthur. He realizes they are acting like Muffy. Muffy and Arthur are both right. This episode is strange. Arthur decides to act like Arthur again.
A funny and strange episode. There's a lot of fun in this episode. You can see how Muffy being impressive kind of makes Arthur like the fun and glow of being around her. Plus she kind of makes things go a way where she at least liked that Arthur was copying her. Guess it's more fitting they are distant friends though. Really fun episode.
More after the jump
The Cold Open: Arthur says that some people just have to do things themselves but Brain doesn't like it and he keeps making Arthur re do it. Then he decides to do it himself...ohhhh.
The Episode: Here's a fun thing, this episode is related to the last episode. What that means is that the events of the last episode are happening during this episode. The report is brought back up and Arthur and Muffy are mentioned as team members. Then there's Brain getting paired up with Sue Ellen. (Are these shipping episodes?) So this one is about these two instead. Francine warns Sue Ellen, that Brain likes to do everything himself. We never got to see the Francine and Buster plot go fully.
Brain takes the idea of making a 3rd grade assignment of a model dino a little too seriously. He dreams he brought back a dinosaur that tells bad jokes. He's not a team player because he doesn't want Sue Ellen to do anything. He think she'll do something bad to the project and make him fail. (Also, Mr. Ratburn would love a dino made of cake, Brain doesn't know his teacher at all)
He keeps hiding from Sue Ellen. She decides that she is going to do the report and surprise him. She finds out he's making a clay model so she decides to make a head, and he again thinks she's just going to ruin the report. (Also a Barney reference in this episode) Brain decided to make his own head because he's that way. She shows him the head she made, because he's that annoying and he rejects it.
The tension boils over as Sue Ellen wants to talk to him and tells him that it's a problem he wants to do everything. Then they end up having their report model break and fall in the mud. It's funny that Francine enjoyed him falling in the mud and mentions she's kind of rude and would have pushed him. She tells him that he's someone who likes to do everything.
We do get to see how the Arthur/Muffy report worked out. Then Sue Ellen found a way to make their report by having the class see the bones in the dirt in how dinosaurs are found. Francine handcuffs herself to Buster to get her report done.
This one was interesting because it focused on Allen/The Brain in how he is a perfectionist and feels that wants everything done his own way because he doesn't want to risk failing because he takes things that importantly. I liked that the Sue Ellen was more willing to put in effort but was being rebuffed. Other shows would have done the Francine and Buster plot instead, so good work for something different.
That's it for now, tune in next time when some guy does everything for us.
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