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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

List of 10's : Our favorite Sabrina the Teenage Witch episodes

List of 10's 

     Sabrina the Teenage witch came out 20 years ago to  ABC and ran for 7 seasons  and switched networks in the middle.  I love this show, if it's on I will watch it (unless it's at very late night and I am sleeping) . This is hard list to do , for me , because I love more than ten episodes of this show. What this list will be is just 10 favorite episodes, and for fun ...no ranking.(The Numbers mean nothing , they are just numbers)  So let's jump in. 

1.  As Westbridge Turns (Season 1 Episode 21) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   I love this episode because they do a great job at soap opera parody there's love triangles, there's a janitor with an eye patch, there's amnesia. It is  a fun episode taking all those things making a great story. Plus 12:36 (P.M) for fans of the show you know what I mean.   It also shows how great Sabrina and Harvey's relationship is how even remembers the time they met, 

2. Sabrina the Teenage Writer (Season 3, Episode 18)  

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   Similar to the first one , where Sabrina uses a magic typewriter (because of course it was) and writes a story and turns out real and she has to fix everything.  It's a fun episode, I really liked the interaction between the expiry characters  like the Libby expiry character Lydia Kissandkill (great name) attacks Mr.Kraft. And Mr.Kraft's  expiry Dr.Bad is a funny character.  The Windows 95 joke made laugh hard for some reason.  Also the  B plot , with the aunts in the chain letter was funny and inventive instead of them having bad luck in the moral style of this plotline ,since it's a witch chain letter there is actual chains and magic things happen to them. 

3. "A Girl and Her Cat" (Season 1 ,Episode 11)

 copyright Viacom 

   I have to say that I love this show's Christmas episodes, they are hard to pick from (especially the first 5 season's Christmas episodes) , but I am going with this one from season 1 because it's a nice showing of Sabrina and Salem's relationship.  At first Sabrina is mad a Salem for messing up her time with her friends ,but when he ends up missing and cat napped by a little boy , she misses the warlock cat and does everything to get him back.  It also has a a great guest star for Clarissa fans. It has also a lot of good humor and gags in it to keep you laughing.  

4. "To Tell a Mortal" (Season 2, Episode 10)

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

      On Friday the 13th, Witches can tell mortals that they are witch  and the memories of the mortals will be erased after the day is over. Sabrina , of course uses this to tell Valarie and Harvey that she is a witch. Sabrina learns that her friends are good friends that they are accepting of her witch powers and being a witch. That makes it a good episode to see how strong their friendship is ,even when Libby brings an angry mob because Sabrina being witch the friends lie for her and protect her. 

5. "Silent Movie"  (Season 3, Episode 24)  

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

     I think I really like the episodes that do parody because this one parody's silent movies . When two spells are cast under the same house it turns the the house into a silent movie, just as poor Sabrina wants to tell Harvey she loves him.  Hilda and Sabrina think that Mr.Kraft is going to pop the question to Zelda.   They do a fun job at doing parody on the silent movies, like the being tied to the rail road tracks,   Even the dedication of them just using music and going back and white adds to the episode.

6.  The  Whole Ball of Wax (Season 6, Episode 12) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   This is episode is sad, at the same time does go the opposite  of what was said the pilot where Sabrina wasn't able to see her mother for two years. Sabrina sees her mother who was following her around  and when they meet up her mother turns in a ball of wax.  The witch's council decrees they can't see each other. The Aunts try and find a loophole , while Sabrina spends time with her ball of wax mother, and she happens to turn back into a person, but they can't  look at each other.  I do like this episode, even though it's sad because it's nice to see Sabrina and her mother, and Sabrina trying to give her mother  a good time even if she is a ball of wax , we never really had an episode about these two , and it's nice to see none the less, 

7. Pancake Madness (Season 3 , Episode 5) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

      Sabrina can't have pancakes because the Spellmans  are addicted to them (oops). Of course , she eats some and gets addicted and can't stop having them.  This episode goes into that funny surreal category especially  the giant talking syrup bottle was a great character. 

8. "Five Easy Pieces of Libby" (Season 2 ,Episode 14) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   Sabrina and Libby don't get along and Sabrina casts a spell to keep Libby away from her ,but her quizmaster reverses the spell and Sabrina has to stay with Libby ,but after an argument Sabrina goes to far and Libby breaks in a puzzle, that Sabrina has to solve.  This episode is nice to see Sabrina learning more about Libby like how her mother is a little mean and Libby cares about her Grandmother.  The B plot of Hilda and Salem's cleaning scheme is great as well  and fits in their characters , Hilda did work with Salem to try to take over the world before. 

9. "A River of Candy Corn runs through it" (Season 2, Episode 7) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

  The Halloween episodes give me hard  choice to make , as well, but this one gets my pick because of it's downright off the rails fun.  There's talking furniture , candy corn , all over the place, Salem talking and more.  Sabrina thinking that everyone will think she's a witch but they think all the magic are fakes and this makes a great Halloween episode.  Also there's  a sweet moment between the Quiz master and Sabrina. It has tons of laughs and enjoyment and 10,000 Maniacs guest stars. 

10. Sabrina the Teenage Boy (Season 2, Episode 6) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   Sabrina becomes a boy to spy on Harvey ,this falls into I like it because the story and funny, Harvey still like likes Sabrina and wants to see if she still likes him. Hilda's plot line where she turns into a man to get Mr.Kraft  to go away is funny and nice to see that he would fight a big guy for Hilda's honor.  

  That's my favorite 10, in no particular order, this list could have been much longer, what  are your favorites? You can comment below or email us. Thanks for Reading. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

It's a Lookback ,Charlie Brown : It was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown

Peanuts  Flashback 

       According to calendars: September means summer ends  (unless you are in Australia reading us on Joshauonline.blogspot.com.au     then happy spring to you) and sometimes summer feels short that's the special we are looking at this time.
    "It was a Short Summer ,Charlie Brown" premiered on CBS (Can't be Sad) in September of 1969.  It was the first special not have a majority of the cast from the "A Charlie Brown Christmas". It was the last special of the 1960's as well.

     The special begins with Charlie Brown telling Sally she has to go to school and the only thing that convinces her  is the new lunchbox that her mother bought her.  She's is not every happy about Kindergarten.   In school Charlie Brown and Linus are caught playing hangman in class , and Linus reminds her that she hasn't given assignments. (you block head)   The Teacher comes up with the assignment a 500 word essay on what they did for summer.  Linus' writing his paper goes in flashback mode and we hear what the characters were planning for summer until Lucy announces that she signed everyone up for summer camp. (Question: can she do that , I mean the parents have to sign some papers or something?, Don't look at us like that)

  We are more glampers... thankyou very much /copyright Peanuts 

    While waiting to go we get a Snoopy  imagining that he is driving the bus  (with trippy 60's scenes)   until the bus driver forces him away.   Charlie Brown is chosen as his tent's captain  which contains  Linus, Schroeder  ,Shermy, Pigpen, and Snoopy.   This story in the special is also being written by Charlie Brown and Lucy , so we have some connectivity as one story.  Lucy apparently is the leader of the girls. The boys challenged  the girls to a  swimming race  that goes as well as you would expect for the boys.
 As well as you expect / Copyright Peanuts 


          Lucy writes about the softball game that the boys vs girls were playing  and Linus writes that they lost the softball game (I'm shocked!)  and that the camp fire didn't go well either.  The girls came over to "cheer up" the boys and they start singing.  Charlie Brown then writes about the nature hunt when he hears about a canoe race  which he doesn't do to well in.  Charlie Brown wants to challenge the girls to wrist wrestling  and he introduces Snoopy (the masked marvel ) as someone who could challenge Lucy.
 I am the champion/copyright Peanuts 

      Snoopy goes through training for the big match up . Charlie Brown issues the challenge of Snoopy versus the girls' champion. Lucy says they will be ready at lunchtime.  Guess who? Yeah it will be Lucy versus Snoopy. The competition goes on and Snoopy wins after he kisses Lucy on the nose.
Went as well I expected/ copyright Peanuts 

    Anyway, back to current time and Charlie Brown only wrote 13 words for his essay and he got a C- while Linus got an A.  He remarks "It was a short summer ,Charlie Brown" and Charlie Brown ends by saying "It looks like it's going to be a long winter".

   That's our lookback,  tune in next time when Charlie Brown  finds out he hates Mondays.. wait that's Garfield.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Lookback : Arthur 20 : Brain Freeze/Arthur Calls it/ Besties

The Flashback  Arthur 20

    So we have looked at 1 episode season no matter if we like that episode or not, because of the random process we did to find the episode. Now this is our last of this , tapping into seasons 17,18,and 19.   Yes , going out with a bang of 3 episodes , yay! If you missed our last posts : Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, click those links.

  So let's get to season 17.  Season 17 aired between  2013-2014  ,and it's the second season animated by 9 Story , and you  can see a bigger difference in the animation this season, compared to last.

Our episodes is 10b , the final episode of this season, and apparently Brain is well liked by our system because he wins  again. "Brain Freeze" is the name of the episode.

(Also : Since this is a Brain episode , if you aren't knowing of Arthur ,we are spelling Brain like the thing in your head, it's the kid's nickname , so we aren't spelling Brian wrongly, thank you)

Monologue:  Buster is taking about a new ice-cream shop opening across the street of the one Brain's family owns. (Because of course it is) The other kids are talking about the new store and looking at the impressive wording they use in the ad. Like Ice cream in an edible waffle holder , (guess what that is?). Brain laments  that they are falling for the fancy wording , but they say they aren't and they are loyal customers.  Binky then comes in and says that YumBobo (the other Ice cream shop) is giving away free ice cream (welp we are out of here!).  The other kids run out to see it, and Brian says he gives away free samples all the time. (Why?)

The Episode : (that monologue was just extra episode soooooo)  The kids are waiting at Yumbobo watching a dancing blue penguin dance and give away ice cream,  Brain decides to check out this store. (Like when Walmart visits Target)  The store has a bunch of future looking stuff and long names for Vanilla.  Brain really takes that heart that it's not called vanilla there , and they call the security penguin (time for this statement: What the heck are we watching?) to escort him to the cash register.

 "Come with me ,Kid, you don't to make me angry"/Copyright WGBH 

    At home Brain does some science stuff to the ice cream to prove that there's no different to vanilla  (let it go! see sh) and other flavors as well that they are just using fancy names. (we knew this already)    He tells  Buster that they are using gimmicks to rip people off. (You know people don't have to shop there right?)  Brain says that if they don't get more business his family's store could go out of business. He promises not to steep to their silly gimmicks.  So he tries his own!
 He blinded me with Science!/Copyright WGBH 

     Muffy suggests that he needs to give a story of his product , so decides to help him with new ideas to promote the ice cream.  One of the ideas is that it's 1905 (good, I have to warn about World War I) and how the family was making ice cream that's passed down through the generations.  Brain doesn't like this because they've only had the store for 4 years. (Since Nixon?)  So he storms out.   Brain imagines that his family's store has gone out of business and asks his mom what are they going to do next? (We are going to Disney World, Allan)  She says that was offered a new job ,he asks what and she doesn't want to talk about it. (Gosh, this is children's show, bad writers oh... she's scrubbing floors , oh thank goodness oh my, woo) She's cleaning floors at the other ice cream shop and if she doesn't yay right , she will have to clean the mascot's cage. (ummm I have  a question... What are we watching?)
hmmmm that's not how any of this works/ Copyright WGBH 

         Brain decides to go the joke shop and get a polar bear costume (sell out)  and he tries to sell ice cream outside the store. He even resorts to using funny names for the icecream. (sell out!) A bee puts a kabosh to his plans. (good work bee) Buster asks he thought that Brain wouldn't sell out. (our wording)
  Time for our question! : Where the Heck is Arthur, this show is called Arthur where is he?!  ok carry on.
     Buster tries juggling the ice cream and it lands on the counter and the two ice creams mix , pistachio  and coffee. (ok then) Brain likes it too, Buster saved the day (thanks to the Powerpuff girls)    Jump cut ... The new ice cream store is looking a little bare as everyone is visiting Brian's again because of the new mixing thing.  The completion comes in fake beards , trench coats , and hats (that's how my parties go) to scope what's going on.  Oh the end.
   (Oh there's Arthur in the background , yay!!)
                                 There he is ! Right there in the background! see /copyright WGBH

  Well , that's the episode and  that was umm and it was alright , could have been better , but Buster was great, and also   Brain did have reason to be upset about the competition , but it did work out for the best and there we go. Sadly though, LACK OF ARTHUR , this show is called Arthur!

more after the Jump  with season 18 and 19 episode selections.

Freeform announces 13 Nights of Halloween schedule

Freeform   Halloween 

    Names change , but things stay the same, as this is the first year of Freeform name ,  a tradition from the Fox Family days continues, the 13 Nights of Halloween. They announced the schedule Wednesday  Here it is.

All  Times ET

Wednesday, Oct. 19
5:30 PM   The Nightmare Before Christmas
7 PM        R.L. Stine's Monsterville: Cabinet of Souls
9 PM         Hocus Pocus
12 AM        Corpse Bride

Thursday, Oct. 20
3:30 PM  The Nightmare Before Christmas
5 PM  Hocus Pocus
7 PM  The Addams Family
9 PM    Addams Family Values
12 AM   The Final Girls

Friday, Oct. 21
4:30 PM   The Addams Family
6:30 PM  Addams Family Values
8:30 PM  Sleepy Hollow
12 AM  Frankenweenie

Saturday, Oct. 22
7 AM  Spooky Buddies
9:10 AM  ParaNorman
11:20 AM Sleepy Hollow
2 PM     The Goonies
4:40 PM Scooby-Doo
6:50  PM  Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
9 PM   Monsters University
11:30 PM  Toy Story of TERROR!
12 AM  Corpse Bride

Sunday, Oct. 23
7:30 AM The Goonies
10:10 AM  R.L. Stine's Monsterville: Cabinet of Souls
12:20 PM Scooby-Doo
2:30 PM  Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
4:40 PM   Matilda
6:50 PM  Toy Story of TERROR!
7:20 PM  Monsters University
9:50 PM  Hocus Pocus

Monday, Oct. 24
7 AM     Practical Magic
3PM       Matilda
5PM        The Addams Family
7PM       Addams Family Values
9PM         Hocus Pocus
12 AM      Scooby-Doo

Tuesday, Oct. 25
7 AM     Death Becomes Her
4 PM    The Addams Family
6PM       The Addams Family Values
12 AM       Halloweentown

Wednesday, Oct. 26
4PM  The Sorcerer's Apprentice
6PM    Dark Shadows
8:30 PM Sleepy Hollow
12 AM  Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge

Thursday, Oct. 27
4 PM  The Goonies
6:30PM   Sleepy Hollow
9PM    Hocus Pocus
12AM   Halloweentown High

Friday, Oct. 28

12 PM The Goonies

2:30 PM  Hocus Pocus

4:30 PM  The Hunger Games

7:30 PM The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
12 AM   Return to Halloweentown

Saturday, Oct. 29
7AM   The Nightmare Before Christmas
8:35 AM  Corpse Bride
10:35 AM  The Hunger Games
1:45 PM The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
5:15 PM  The Addams Family
7:20 PM  The Addams Family Values
9:25 PM  Hocus Pocus

Sunday, Oct. 30
7 AM  Corpse Bride
9 AM  Spooky Buddies
11:05AM  Scooby-Doo
1:10 PM Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
3:15 PM  The Addams Family
5:20 PM   The Addams Family Values
7:25 PM Hocus Pocus
9:30 PM  Sleepy Hollow

Monday, Oct. 31
7 AM  The Goonies
11AM  ParaNorman
1PM  Scooby-Doo
3PM  Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
5PM  The Addams Family
7PM   Addams Family Values
9PM   Hocus Pocus
12AM  Hocus Pocus

Press release after the Jump 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: Best Enemies/ The Best Day ever

The  Lookback  Arthur20 

  Oh Arthur you've reached another mile stone in our journey , oh yes you've reached 15 seasons  now, in this post we take  a look at an episode from season 15 and an episode from season 16, these seasons also mark our second to last post. If you missed our first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,and Seventh Post , well click those words and you are there.  

So let's get on it. First season 15's episode.
              Hey season 15, we were joking about Arthur liking Disco in our last post . 
Also I think he might on something/copyright WGBH 
     That episode in the image is not one we are reviewing but we couldn't miss the fun, that was from an episode called  "Through the Looking glasses" also in season 15.  The episode that was selected for us was episode 7b "Best Enemies".  Season 15 came out in 2011 and 2012  and  this was the last season under Cookie Jar , who was bought out by DHX so it was given to a different animation company. (you will see what we mean soon) 

Monologue : Arthur is talking to the audience again do you feel that you and friends like totally different things.  Also Arthur doesn't like climbing fences (guess no trespassing record for him ), Pickles.   The talking hamburgers (still not the strangest thing we've ever written on this blog , but still close to it)  don't like mustard. It ends with Arthur saying they are still best friends though. 

Episode : Arthur's family has some company over , his mother's new client whom she wants to impress.  D.W is excited that  guests have a little girl her age and hopes to play unicorns, trolls , and a rainbow board game.   The guests come over named Herman, Ursa , and W.D. (Ok writers what next next Ruhtra too?)  and apparently her full name is  Wilhelmina Dagmar. (what?)  She doesn't like that  name.   W.D  (not 40) is not really into D.W rainbow game , she wants a race car game , the princess fairy collection doesn't go to well either,    The Mothers are getting along, that's good , but Arthur checks on the girls who are fighting because W.D said Unicorns aren't real. ( Hmm no comment)  W.D apologizes , while the fathers bond at dinner.  Meanwhile W.D likes broccoli , the only reason we bring this up is because D.W doesn't. Also D.W wears a dress , while W.D  wears pants, and D.W doesn't wear a baseball cap,  (Good work writers)  W.D brings a special toy , yes it's a race car game and of course that's not D.W's thing. 
This is W.D ...that is all/ copyright WGBH 

  Everyone else   had fun, ( though they didn't bring anybody for Arthur , well that's just rude ) so the Reads are invited to the family's little house up north. (Heaven?) this makes W.D and D.W have faces of displeasure. (they didn't have to write the sentence with their names we should be dis pleasured)  Arthur is spending is weekend with Buster anyway so thanks exposition.  D.W has a dream they go up north and W.D forces D.W into a race car. (and dies...no not really)  W.D has a dream that  the Reads have  a pink R.V that has a unicorn name Glitter ,that talks. Then she has to ride on Glitter into a lollipop flower field that then collides into  D.W's race car nightmare. (what am I watching?)  
Then they died... well the sun is a happy still/copyright WGBH

      D.W's family takes the pink wagon car thing, not their fancy pink R.V that they don't have.  W.D also has an imaginary friend like D.W. (ok writers I see what you are doing)   D.W and W,D  (this is getting silly)  have a plan to get out of this weekend, they both find out they imaginary friends , we know this already,  The two girls start fake fighting (because that make sense) the father of W.D suggests they go out and paint.   The two girls start bonding while still fake fighting this time with paint on each other. (because this makes sense)   They start rocking the boat and cause everyone to capsize , and the Read's decide they have to leave. The Two girls did kind of have fun and D.W stops the car (and kills her family, no not really)  and wants them to go back.  (well that plan had no point, what did we just watch?) 

  Well ummm that was an episode, OK it was alright , I guess 5 year olds do have stupid plans because they are five , blah blah, but the episode was kind of fun and it does show that yes people might even be the same age and sex but still not have the same interests, and also you might have somethings in common.  

Now to an episode from season 16 after the Jump ... 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: Brain Gets Hooked/Arthur Unravels

The Lookback Arthur 20

   Thanks for sticking around , we mean it!  Our journey through Arthur continues (we are in his liver now?)  this means we are looking at a select episode from season 13 and another one from season 14. all the episodes are randomly selected by a very odd process and the we talk a little about them .  If you missed our past posts : Post 1 , Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6 , click the links to see them.
  Let's  go!

    Oh season 13, was the the season that came out in 2009 and 2010. Like the last season, there's an episode that probably doesn't get repaired now because Lance Armstrong is in it, it's about Cancer called "The Great MacGrady" we aren't talking about this episode, but I thought I should reference it , and if you can find it , watch it anyway .  The episode our process picked was episode 3b. "Brain gets hooked" (For the note: If you aren't an Arthur viewer or know of any characters , or something we do mean Brain like the thing your head not , Brian, and we just refuse to spell that name right thought that would be something we would totally do.)

   Monologue:  Arthur is popping bubble wrap and he is talking about people being obsessed. Like Buster getting obsessed about the baseball team winning, his father and neighbor obsessed about Christmas lights. He laments the whole thing , while continuing to pop the bubble wrap, his mom calls him and he pops one more then leaves.

Now The Episode:  Brain wants to go to his chess tournament , but it is still early so his mother wants him to wait, so Brain goes to watch TV.(Ahh The Warm glow of TV)  He runs into a TV Show talking about PI (math? that's it I am outta of here) he calls the show predictable (yet I can predict what is going to happen in this episode)  The show is called Junior Island. (Darn it CBS I told you no more Amazing race spinoffs!) Brain gets caught up the show , and he won his chess championship.  Then he spends his time talking about why the show is stupid ( Brain has become the internet ) he's also a bit concerned that the girl is stronger than the boys.(tisk tisk Brain )  
Francine then took care of Brain /copyright WGBH

     Francine notices that for a show he thinks is stupid , he sure talks about it  alot (is she talking to us?) there's a history project about the middle ages.( a project about being 46?)  Brain tries to figure out his assignment but the show pulls him to it.  Brain ends up watching the show for like two hours (that's what the clock says)  then Arthur and Buster come to see if he wants to ride with them on bikes, but he doesn't and watches more show.
 You've gotta change your TV ways / copyright WGBH
  The next day , Fern hears him whispering the theme song and she asks him if he is into it.
(see people : theme songs still matter)  She says that she got into deep and the show is addictive and don't watch too much at once. Brain gives his report and doesn't do to well , because of the show, and he got a C.  Fern warns him not to stay away from the DVD box set,,, (guess what happens) if you said he gets the box set.  He does get a chance to do his report again , so he tries to hide the DVD ,but  he spends more time locking away keys.  He's losing his mind, and goes to get the key to get the key to get the key to get the key, to get the key , to get the DVD. (yep we wrote that)  Fern rings his doorbell and then comes into his house anyway. (then she was arrested) Fern tries to snap Brain out that  it's just a TV show it's not real. (Arthur isn't real? well darn it  I quit)   She helps him with his report.
 Pictured :Us watching this episode /copyright WGBH

  Brian says he is just going to watch one episode  and he watches an episode where they were stuck on the  Island for years and find a land bridge. (Ok episode I see what you are making fun of here)  This puts him off the show ,because that was stupid.

  Well this episode of course is good talk about our binge watch culture of ...wait this came out in 2009, wow, it predicted our binge watch culture. Honestly though, wow. It's message is good one, do things in moderation , TV shows are fun to watch , but don't put them above other things you have to do. (Yeah Netflix )   Also don't do lock up DVD's in cabinets if they are from the Library that might not end well.

Join us for the season 14 pick after the Jump

Thursday, September 08, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: Arthur Swept Away/ The Cherry Tree

The Lookback  Arthur 20 

        Welcome back , we are now in the post season 10 episodes so, we are almost there!  (Honestly, though with all the posts were are becoming Arthur Online)  If you missed our posts about seasons 1/2 ,  3/4, 5/6  7/8  9/10  click those  links to see them.   This is a look at two randomly selected episodes from seasons 11 and 12. (one from each as per our whatever)  Season 11 came out in 2007 and 12 in 2008.   Both seasons,as has become normal of the series , has only 10 episodes (when counted as half hours, also skimping aren't you PBS?) .

    Let's have  wonderful kind of Day.

The Season 11 episode  has an episode  that guest starts  Matt Damon , and  well that's not the episode we are looking at. (Wait please don't go)  We are looking at episode 1a called "Arthur Swept Away"

Monologue :  Arthur starts talking about how people have a different  sense of time  , like how D.W thinks time is longer than it really is, Buster goes by his stomach (what's wrong with that Arthur?) , or how times feels like it goes really fast or slow (like when taking a test) , but you can't stop time.

Now the Episode: Arthur , Buster , and D.W are at the beach , how do we know? Because they yell it.  They can't go on the beach because of the ocean waves are too rough.  Grandma Thora makes a suggestion that they should make a sand castle.   So the episode takes some  TIME  and we see our characters make a sandcastle.  (Called Castle Star Fish)   Amazingly , the sandcastle doesn't get destroyed overnight as they came back and make it bigger.  That 2nd night, Arthur fantasizes about being  a kings to small beach creatures and dreams that Tidal waves come and they save the castle from destruction.  (What am I watching?)  The 3rd day, it's now almost destroyed so Arthur goes to fix , but this isn't going well, there's too much water. (ha water ....Ocean) After, all that  they have to go home.  Some time cut later, they look for where the sandcastle was ,but they did end up in the paper.(That's why they are going out of business... just putting any ole thing in there)
 Bow to your new king!/Copyright WGBH 

     That's the episode it's nice to have an episode with Arthur and D.W working together , with Buster as a bonus piece of fun. There's no real problem in this episode it's just a nice episode about them and enjoying this sandcastle.

Now join us for the season 12 episode half selection after the Jump.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: Arthur Makes Waves /Flaw and Order

The Flashback  Arthur 20 

     The Journey through a select Arthur episode from a different  season continues , this time we go get in to seasons 9 and 10.  Oh yes  Arthur made it to the big milestone of  a season 10 in 2006  this also means we are near half way done with our look through the one episode per season , 2 seasons posts.   If you want to see our first, second, third , and fourth posts they are linked in the words.

Let's get into  it...

Season 9's  episode is 6A called "Arthur Makes Waves"
The Monologue :  Buster is a reporter at a playground talking  what kinds of kids don't play well together going through time of kids not playing well together. (Like the Cleavers and Mitchells, the Bradys and the Partridges)  With Muffy's clothes getting messed up alot. Buster says that's the way things have always been and always will. He gets handed a paper and well something is going to happen.

 The Episode:   It's a hot day (-10 points show , Hot days are bad things) and D.W and Arthur are miserable (retraction) they seem to be on their way to the pool but it's closed (The city said either pools or roads and darn people really like roads for some reason)  for repairs.   They try to visit the other pools like the Tibbles  but since the Tibbles are destructive they destroy their pool, they go to Muffy's but she makes them peddle her boat.  The senior center pool was well hot and not fun.  They try the library because it has air conditioning but  that's broken.  D.W's friend , James has a pool and then we find out that James' sister is Molly, one of the bullies at Arthur's school.  (dun dun dun)
That's Arthur's Foot and that's Molly in the background/copyright WGBH 

      Arthur gets nervous and wants to leave , But D.W won't let him and well that works. Molly doesn't like this she talks to Rattles (really show?)  and he suggests that she should just make it miserable for Arthur.  There's a montage of pool fun and the slight competition between the two sides  It looks like they all begin to enjoy each other's company. (well that's nice.. what it is) At the Sugar Bowl , Rattles comes in and see's Arthur is there at the sametime as Molly.  Arthur saves Molly's reputation by making it look like she forced him to pay or ice cream. Arthur and Molly talk about how their respective  friends would not understand how they could be friends.  D.W suggests that they should keep their new friendship a secret around everybody else.  Muffy , was there (you know plot) and she sees Molly and Arthur were holding hands. She goes on and tells the other friends and she thinks that Arthur and Molly are in love. (Though at the age of 18 , Arthur and Molly did get married now they have a home in New Hampshire , fan fiction writers get on that)   Buster almost catches them being friendly to each other but they save that, then at the library the Brain sees them together (ok plot convenient, you can calm down now)  One of Molly's friends ,Slink, sees them walking together out of the library window.  Brain (for you non-Arthur fans no we aren't spelling Brian wrong. he's Brain like the thing in your head)  tells his friends that he saw them together. (Scandal!)
   Are Arthur and Molly dating? find out  next on Access Entertainment Extra Insider MZ /copyright WGBH 

    Arthur's friends are worried that Arthur will end up like the tough customers group for friends and well the T.C's think vice versa. (that's how that works)  Arthur's friends and friends of Molly bump into each other on the same mission. ( I am glad they have nothing better to do)  They think they stopped the friendship and leave together and Arthur shows up they fake the whole being mean to each other thing and have a secret handshake.

   This episode was nice because  it gives some character development to Molly and it's nice to see them getting along. It would have been better if  Arthur and Molly could have maybe defended it or made their friends see that they are being silly and let them be friends , but  hey maybe later.

Now to our season 10 episode randomly selected episode.  After the Jump

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: D.W's Time Trouble /Postcards from Buster

The Flashback   Arthur 20 

    Well ,we continue our goal to do 1 episode from each already aired season of the Long running series "Arthur" I hope he appreciates this , don't tell me he's not real.  If you want to see our first , second, or third posts  click the words.  This also means we are almost half way through.   This time our journey takes us to seasons 7 and 8.

    Season 7 episode 7A. .  Season 7 is the season where this series reached episode 100, and celebrated with "Elwood City turns 100" , that is a good episode  and find the version with the PBS break with Larry King, that's just fun.  The episode we randomly selected was episode 102 called "D.W's Time Trouble"

Monologue : Arthur is taking  D.W to the movies , because the parents won't let her go by herself. Arthur takes a short cut  (now this is important for later) , and they get to the theater.  Arthur wants to see "Slappy Blackhead's Way Cool Journey Through Time" , but he has to take D.W to "Doll Story 2"  (  A movie parody of Toy Story 2 , that involves Dolly Parton? ) Arthur's friends are there to see that first movie and he decides to go to that one. D.W is watching it then she talks to the audience  how Arthur always wins.  Like she wants a cat , but they have dog and one pet is enough, D.W has to wear a hand-me-down jacket from Arthur, D.W's preschool teacher was more impressed by Arthur's finger paints (what?) ,  Arthur interrupts and says be quiet plus he's supposed to be doing the intro , it's his show. (Sure Arthur... it's your show)
Whatever is going on I don't wanna know /copyright WGBH 

      Now the Episode:  The kids talk about the movie they saw (ruining it for the rest of us... great I'll just wait for it too come to network TV)   The movie about  teen (I guess) who goes back in time to make his principal fall in trash because he wouldn't let him play his boombox in school. (that sounds better than inset current movie people don't like right now here)  
   D.W complains some more about  Arthur making her watch the movie , and he won't be going to movies for sometime says his mother. (umm did she kill him?)  D.W is awaken by imaginary friend (just roll with it) , and she has a time machine. (keep going with us)  D.W goes back in time to make herself born first. (well then)  D.W follows her future parents to a store that sells babies (don't give me that look)  The Parents are looking for a girl to be their child , the salesman  says if you are looking to save some money get a boy they're on sale! (That's why Baby's R US exists)  In fact they get a baby boy free with a TV and trampoline (what a deal!) , D.W goes back in time again and decides to disguise her self as a sales girl  to herself bought first. (well we wrote that)
   Now in the new future, D.W is the first born and she has a kitten, her parents have money for ponies (I gives up ) and can see movies by herself (even though she is 4-5).  D.W decides to  help out Arthur , who was put in storage and still is a baby after 4 years ( I guess they have to be activated ) and leaves him on the door step for her parents to take in.
Hmmm darn kids and their web/ copyright WGBH

        In the future  , D.W is 8 now and Arthur is 4 now and D.W takes him to a Mary Moo Cow rally  (sure why not) when he throws his glasses he blames D.W for breaking them, (Also Arthur is a broken child, apparently , darn it!)  D.W takes Arthur to the movies and she tries the short cut but doesn't remember . (see told you this was important) Arthur finds the time machine and goes somewhere. D.W and  D.W are lost.    It was just a dream (oh yeah  I knew it ) , Arthur comes in her room hearing her cries to see if she was alright and  she's glad he's not that broken baby from the baby store , Arthur reminds her of the episode "Arthur's Baby" (a title like that really needs context)that babies don't come from stores. Arthur comforts her and she says she's glad Arthur is older brother.( he can be yours too , if you believe)
Hmm cloning DW... that should be an episode/copyright  WGBH

             That's the episode : The episode mostly being D.W's dream lets it go off into the surrealness
and  it gives D.W an interesting perspective on being older. Also the imagery in the dream is funny like the horse drawn cars, to a kid 8 years ago would be ancient times so it's funny.  It's ending is sweet that yes if you are someone who thinks she's a pest ...it gives you that feeling that those two love each other.

   Our season 8 episode selection after the Jump

Friday, September 02, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur It's Only Rock 'N Roll

The Flashback  Arthur 20 

    This year the cartoon series, Arthur marks it's 20th  year of being on TV and it's still running it will have a 19th, 20th, and 21st season it's one the longest running American cartoons , after "The Simpsons".   In 2002 they had a special that aired with the Backstreet Boys  (very 2002) , the special ushered in season 7 , some of the PBS stations used it for their pledge drives.

Let's take a look at this special : "It's Only Rock N' Roll" (yes there are some spoilers)
       The special begins with Backstreet Boys music (if they had done this today it would be insert whatever popular group is popular here)  Muffy is enthralled by them and the video screen plays the Authurized version  of the Backstreet Boys doing their hit song "I want it That way"  (yes I want my eggs that way...throw those away and do it right...ow don't to throw things)  Muffy imagines herself chasing after them, her listening to the music disturbs Francine who says she has to stop listening to it.   (Also Francine called it rock , really rock?)  The BackStreet Boys are coming to town soon which makes Muffy excited but Francine doesn't like them because they are sell-outs, she used to but then they became sell-outs. (hmm  I hate when my boy bands become sell-outs ,welp back to my Indie rock)    Muffy says that Francine would sell out if she had a band the went popular. ( Yeah like that sell out Elvis    note: we like Elvis please don't send hate mail) Francine is adamant this would never happen.  They get into fight and Francine leaves.

 "I will never sell out!, never! not even for my face on a mug!"/ copyright WGBH from Arthur Wiki 
what that even mean?/ Arthur Wiki 

        Francine is putting together  a rock band , Arthur and his friends try-out but she gonged them. So she goes to people herself to find some band members like Binky (not Mick Jagger he's busy)  and they get his friend Molly to be the guitarist.  Arthur and Buster  decide to start their own band after being rejected by Francine. Francine's main rule  is they don't sell out and they hate bands that do (snobby band) they don't care about fame or money  (or MTV air time). Fern is added to the band as a singer  since Francine isn't good at singing and playing drums at the same time. (cheap)  The Principal hears that Francine has a band he wants to know if they would like preform for the PTA fundraiser. (Ok then)
Plus it's budget friendly/copyright WGBH 
        They apparently become a hit (so, when do they sell out, that's what this what was for shadowed right)  , and they are called "You Stink".  Francine warns her group to be calm and not let any of the good reaction go to their heads.   A Cable Access Channel (why?) wants to interview Francine about her band (at least being on cable access is authentic because local news wouldn't care ...yet) anyway she declares that her group will never sell out. (so when do they sell out?)    She's getting annoyed  by all the fame and they get chased by some little kids through the town.(like the Beatles!)  Muffy picks up Francine in her limo she has a proposition to be the band's cute one, but Francine refuses.  (I'm the cute one of the blog)
 But is she the youngest one in curls? /copyright Paramount 

   Random guy : Hey this is called Arthur ,..where is Arthur?!
    That's a good question oh there he is , him ,buster, and George decide to start their own band called "We Stink" (time for a bath)  Fern is happy (hey where's Arthur?!) about the fame and wants more (might as well face it you're addicted to fame).  Francine's band is on TV which angers her especially when she thinks it's selling out. Francine quits the band  (VH1 behind the music special will be interesting - I wrote this in 2002).  Her Dad suggests she talks to her former band...blah blah oh finally Arthur, his band um isn't doing so well.  But fine, forget Arthur back to You Stink , Mrs.McGrady suggests they need new music (only Phineas and Ferb can be one hit wonders- we wrote this in 2016) and they should talk to Francine. (also where's Perry?)  The band finds out that they need Francine who apparently is the only who can write music and melodies. They hire Muffy to be their manager (why?, how is this going to help them with songs, eh  we need a break)
   There was a noticeable lack of Arthur so Arthur/ copyright WGBH 

    Muffy gets a song about her singing about being a manager to the Backstreet Boys. (Some PBS stations have left us , I don't blame them) and the BBB's also sung the rest of the song (glad they getting that money's worth for being in this special). It's not a bad song , I guess so there's that. (It's also a good pick up line : Please be the manager of my dreams) Francine and Fern are fighting with each other , until Mrs.McGrady decides to help out  their problems (she's later helped usher a peace agreement between the Dakotas) but Muffy ruins this almost agreement. Muffy wants to make a music video (she better hurry up VH1 is about to give up soon)   which  (how do you think it goes a) Awful  B horrible C stupid  D all of the above E that's too many letters) .   Francine wants to help out Arthur's band (oh hey it's Arthur , for a show called Arthur where the heck is he?)  Muffy really likes Nick Carter (but what about Aaron Carter?!... 2002 girl screams in here )

I guess he was busy... also this helps our late 90's early 2000's  fan quota. 

  We'll be right back after the Jump (give your PBS station some money)

Thursday, September 01, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: Just Desserts/ Crushed

The Flashback  Arthur 20
    We continue our journey in Elwood City with two more episodes of "Arthur" this time one each from season 5 and season 6.   These seasons aired between 2000-2002.  If you want to see part 1 or part 2  click those words.

       The Season 5 episode selected was  "Just Desserts" which is episode 9A of this season.

   Monologue: Arthur is at the library (don't fall asleep in there) reading a book and seems quite into it (He must be reading ,insert book that is a fad here) then he says to the audience (great he's staring at us again) you must think I am reading A Scare Your Pants off book (nope, I thought  he was reading How to get Abs in 6 Easy Steps)  but nope it's fairy tales says that they are weirdest, scariest  books ever. (If you read the original way "Little Mermaid " ends you will be shocked)   Arthur says he used to not like them and thought they were babyish , then he pulls how a book and he's going to tell us how he started like fairy tales or something.

  The  Episode:  One thing about the character of Arthur we know is that he loves his dessert , especially cake, also his father is a cattier.  The episode starts with Arthur's father frosting a wedding cake he wants to taste some but his father won't him. At school Arthur dreams of the cake , and also asks Buster if he has cake (Arthur , I think you have  problem). His grandma is also coming to take care of him and his sister because his parents are going to a wedding (no, not their own...wait hmmmm conspiracy?) another joke in the series is that his Grandma Thora is not a good cook , so Buster suggest that Arthur buy a bunch of candy.  Arthur gorges on the candy like it's no tomorrow (there is no tomorrow) when he finds out that his dad made food for them which surprises Arthur. ( I saw that coming)  He eats all the food on his plate, then finds out his father left some wedding cake , this makes Arthur happy. (He didn't share with us though , sure he can read to us but not share some cake. how rude)   Arthur then gets stomach pains and he doesn't want his grandma to read him fairy tales. (no not that anything but that)
    Arthur falls asleep (great we didn't get hear her read some more)  he imagines that he is in the story "Hansel and Gretel"  of course it would'n't be fun to just do it straight so the witch takes them to a sugar mall (which later closed thanks to sugarzon or due to bad being able to eat the mall policy)  the witch then imprisons them to eat them ,but they get saved by the 7 dwarves  (umm what)   D.W is abducted by them and she tells Arthur to go to Grandma. (not sure how that will help,)  Arthur becomes little red riding hood (ok what am I watching?)   He sees his grandma who looks like a wedding cake then she jumps into Arthur to be eaten. (what am I watching?)   D.W escaped somehow when she catches Arthur after he ate his grandma.  Buster comes in as a wood cutter to cut Arthur open but he wakes up before his cut open.  He takes some tablets and rests and then the dream comes back and hes' not dead and is Jack and the beanstalk now. (ok then) The giant is apparently everything Arthur ever ate  and he runs with a giant goose down the beanstalk,and Buster returns to cut it down.   Arthur wakes up and burps (say excuse me ,Arthur, gosh)  he feels better then he starts breaking the 4th wall again ( well I am scared now) and talks to us again.  Back the library where Arthur finishes the story.
  More grandmas are eaten by their grandkids these days, sad!/Copyright WGBH /from Arthur Wiki

   This episode , again is creative of taking the fairy tale stories and combining them into a new tale of interest. It was a fun episode  the imagery of Arthur's dream being decorated with food ,sweats in a fairy tale world is a nice mix and it was good thing they just didn't the obvious part of Hansel and Gretel. Also him going back into normal word to see his grandma is funny in it's own way  and he manges to get laughed in his own dream. Arthur does have some surreal dreams though "Arthur's  Underwear" is another example episode of strange dream imagery he has.
                         Why Arthur what odd colors you wearing there/copyright WGBH from Arthur Wiki 

   Some other season 5 episodes that could be of interest are "You are Arthur"  where the show takes a spin of where you see everything from Arthur's point of view , which is an inventive way of story telling , it's like reading a first-person story.  "The Cave" was a good episode for Arthur having to overcome his fear to save the day.

After the Jump  our season 6 selected episode look.